

单词 hang
释义 hang¹ /hæŋ/(hangs,hanging,hung)
🄰 vt.
1.(put up)+ picture, curtains悬挂
+ picture, garment把某物挂在某处
to hang sth over sth把某物挂在某物上方

I hung the painting over the fireplace.我把画挂在了壁炉上方。

2.to be hung with sth
(be decorated with)wall ++ pictures, paintings挂着…;挂有…

The room is hung with tapestries.房间里挂着花毯。

3.(fix at one edge)+ door(用铰链)安装
4.+ wallpaper贴;糊
5.past participle hanged
+ criminal绞死;吊死

He was found hanged in his police cell.人们发现他吊死在警察局拘留室。

to hang yourself上吊自杀

Her work is hung in the Tate Gallery.她的作品被挂在泰特美术馆展出。

7.(mature)+ meat, game晾挂

I like my meat to be well hung.我喜欢吃充分晾过的肉。

🄱 vi.
1.(be suspended)picture, painting +悬挂
to hang from sth悬挂在某处;从某处垂下

A bare light bulb hung from the ceiling.一只光秃秃的灯泡从天花板上垂下来。

to hang on sth挂在某处

His coat was hanging on a peg on the back of the door.他的外套挂在门后的衣帽钩上。

to hang over sth挂在某物上方
to hang out of the window探出窗外
2.(hover, be poised)smoke, haze +悬浮;飘浮

Cigar smoke was hanging in the air.雪茄的烟雾飘浮在空中。

3.clothes, suit +垂下;披下

The jacket doesn't hang right.这件夹克的垂感不好。

4.to hang open
door +(半)开着;mouth +张开;半张
5.past participle hanged
(die by hanging)被绞死;被吊死
6.(be exhibited)(画作等)挂出来展览
7.<文>sun, moon +悬挂;悬浮

The sun hung low in the sky that afternoon.那天下午太阳低低地挂在天上。

hang the …<英,口,过时>不考虑…;不关心…;别管…

Hang the expense!去他的费用!

hang about!<非正式>(表示吃惊或不同意)等一等!停一下!
to hang fireSeefire¹
to hang your head in shame羞愧地低下头;感到羞愧
to hang heavyortime hangs heavy on sb's hands<文>时间过得非常缓慢
to hang in the balance悬而未决;前景难料
to hang a left/right<口>向左转/向右转
to hang loose
hair, arms +自然垂下

Her long golden hair hung loose about her shoulders.她一头金色长发从肩膀上自然垂下。

<非正式>(be unrestrained)放松;无拘无束
hang on!orhang on a minute!<英,口>打住!等会儿!

But hang on, isn't that illegal?先打住, 那不是非法的吗?

to hang on sb's every word全神贯注听某人说话

Melinda was hanging on his every word, fascinated.梅林达出神地聆听着他说的每一句话。

to hang toughSeetough²
to hang up your boots挂靴(指停止参加某项体育运动或某活动)
I'll be hanged …<口,过时>(expressing refusal)决不;绝对不会

I'll be hanged before I pay twice for it.我绝对不会付两次钱。

(for emphasis)完全不;一点也不

I'll be hanged if I know what to say to him.我完全不知道该对他说什么。

to let it all hang out<非正式,过时>彻底放松;随心所欲

Let it all hang out at the Beer festival!去啤酒节彻底放松一下!

Phrasal Verbshang about,hang about with,hang around,hang around with,hang back,hang behind,hang down,hang in,hang on,hang on to,hang out,hang out of,hang over,hang together,hang up,hang upon,hang with
hang² /hæŋ/ n.
+of curtains, skirt, trousers悬垂的样子;垂感

the hang of a dress连衣裙的垂感

to get the hang of sth<非正式>学会做某事;掌握…的门道

It's a bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.刚开始有点难办, 掌握窍门后就好了。

not to give a hangornot to care a hang<非正式>一点也不在乎;完全不放在心上

I don't give a hang about her party.我对她的聚会一点兴趣也没有。





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