

单词 gymnastics
释义 gymnastics¹ /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ n.
1.【体】(training in physical exercises)体操训练;体操练习

She loves gymnastics.她喜欢练体操。

to do gymnastics进行体操训练;做体操

She started doing gymnastics at the age of five.她五岁开始练体操。

2.(training in mental exercises)智能训练
gymnastics² /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ npl.
1.(physical exercises)体操练习
2.(other activities)(对速度和适应能力等有要求的)训练活动

Hers is the kind of voice that excels at vocal gymnastics.她的嗓音优于发声训练课上的其他人。

They are the only ones whose brains are supple enough for the mental gymnastics required.只有他们几个人的头脑反应速度足够快, 能够接受这种智能训练。

gymnastics³ /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ comp.

a gymnastics champion体操冠军

a gymnastics club体操俱乐部





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