

单词 guest
释义 guest¹ /ɡest/ n.
1.(visitor)(到访家中的)客人, 宾客

He showed his guests into the living room.他把客人们带到客厅。

Their guests sipped drinks on the veranda.他们的客人们在门廊上慢酌浅饮。

Blair was once a frequent guest at Levy's house in north London.布莱尔曾经是莱维在伦敦北部家中的常客。

to be sb's guest是某人的客人

I was his guest at dinner.我是他晚餐时的座上宾。

2.(person paid for)(被邀请外出就餐或娱乐的)客人

She was a guest at the wedding.她是婚礼上的宾客。

We saw him at the restaurant with several guests we didn't know.我们看到他和几个我们不认识的客人在餐厅里。

3.(in hotel)(旅馆的)旅客;(寄宿处的)房客;(餐厅的)顾客

I was the only hotel guest.我是旅馆的唯一住客。

The incident was witnessed by several guests at the hotel.此次事件被旅馆的几名旅客所目睹。

4.(on TV, radio show)特邀演员;客串嘉宾

He is a frequent chat-show guest.他经常在谈话节目中做嘉宾。

Our special guest tonight is just back from a London engagement.我们今晚的特别来宾刚参加完伦敦的一个活动。

5.(at special event)受到政府(或机构、组织)招待的人

The president will be principal guest at the opening ceremony.校长将会是开幕式的主宾。

She dazzled fellow guests at the society wedding of the year.她在今年的名流婚礼上迷倒了各位男宾。

6.be my guest!<非正式>请便!悉听尊便!

Er, if you want to suggest that, be my guest.哦, 如果那就是你的意思的话, 请便吧。

If anybody wants to work on this, be my guest.如果有任何人想弄这个, 就让他去弄吧。

guest² /ɡest/ vi.
(在体育运动、戏剧或广播中)做特邀嘉宾, 客串

She guested with the band on their new album.她作为特邀嘉宾参与了这支乐队的新专辑的录制。

He guested for one or two League sides.他在一两支联赛队伍中当过外援。

guest³ /ɡest/ adj.
1.(for guests)+ list, room, suite, cottage, toilet宾客的;客人用的

See if you can't trim the guest list to about 200.看你是不是不能把客人的名单缩减到200人左右。

The hotel has 50 guest rooms.这家旅馆有50间客房。

2.(as a guest)+ speaker, conductor, appearance, vocalist, lecturer特邀的;客座的;客串的

Dr Gerald Jeffers is the guest speaker.杰拉尔德·杰弗斯博士是特邀演讲人。

Tonight's episode features a guest appearance by Shari Lewis.今晚这一期有莎莉·刘易斯客串出演。





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