

单词 guess
释义 guess¹ /ɡes/
🄰 vi.
1.(form opinion)猜;猜测;推测

As you've probably guessed, the problem was electrical.你们可能已经猜到了, 这个问题和电有关。

to guess wrong猜错

I guess so我想是这样

I think you're being paranoid.—Yeah. I guess so.我认为你有些偏执了。——嗯, 我觉得也是。

🄱 vt.
1.(form opinion about)猜出;推断出

He had already guessed the answer.他已推断出答案了。

By now you will have guessed that I'm back in Ireland.到现在你应该推断出我已经回到爱尔兰了。

I had already guessed the identity of her companion.我早已猜出她同伴的身份了。

to guess (that) …认为…

I would guess that she didn't earn that much.我认为她没赚那么多钱。

I guess she thought that was pretty smart.我认为她觉得那很时尚。

I guess he's right.我认为他是对的。

you'd never guess that …你绝对想不到…

With a flower in his buttonhole, you'd never guess that he lives in a squat.他的纽扣孔别着花, 你绝对想不到他强占着别人的房子。


He should have guessed what would happen.他本该猜到会发生什么事情。

Analysts guess that the economy is heading for a downturn.分析家们预测经济正在步入低迷时期。

4.(estimate)+ speed, age, number, secret猜到;猜中

Somebody might have guessed our secret and passed it on.有人可能猜到了我们的秘密并传了出去。

to guess how many/much猜有多少…

We can only guess how many deaths he has caused.我们只能猜测他造成了多少人死亡。

Guess how much I paid for this.猜猜我买这个东西花了多少钱。

to guess sth to be sth猜测某物是…

I guessed the speed to be at least fifty km/h.我猜速度至少是每小时50公里。

guess what!你猜怎么着!想不到吧!

Guess what! I just got my first part in a movie!你猜怎么着!我刚得到了我的第一个电影角色!

Guess what I did last night!你永远也猜不出我昨天晚上干吗了!

guess who!猜猜是谁!

Guess who I saw this morning.猜猜我今天早上看到谁了。

You'll never guess who came to see me yesterday.你永远也猜不到昨天谁来看我了。

I guess<尤美,非正式>我猜(用以表达对所说之事有些不确定或不情愿)
to keep sb guessing让某人捉摸不定

The author's intention is to keep everyone guessing until the very end.这位作者的意图是在最终结尾前让所有人都猜不透。

She was keeping everyone guessing about the latest love in her life.大家一直都不确定她最新的爱人是谁。

Phrasal Verbguess at
guess² /ɡes/ n.

Well, we can hazard a guess at the answer.好吧, 我们可以猜一下答案。

my guess is (that) …我的推测是…

My guess is that it will be at least ten years before the building is completed.我的推测是这座楼至少还需要十年时间才能建成。

it's just a guess这只是一个猜测

It's just a guess but I think she never got the email.这只是一个猜测, 但我想她根本没收到过那封电子邮件。

to make a guess猜测;猜想
to make a guess at sth猜测某事物;推测某事物

He took her pulse and made a guess at her blood pressure.他给她把了把脉并推测了她的血压。

to take a guessorto have a guess猜测

Do you know how long I've been unemployed? Have a guess.你知道我失业多久了吗?猜猜看。

our best guess is (that) …我们最合理的预计是…

Our best guess is that the election will be held in August.我们最合理的预计是8月进行选举。

a wild guess胡乱猜想

The firm said its forecasts were not just wild guesses.这家公司表示其展望不是简单的胡乱猜想。

If I had to make a wild guess I'd say he's over 40.如果非得瞎猜一下, 那我觉得他有四十多岁了。

anyone's guess/anybody's guess大家都拿不准的事

Why it happened is anyone's guess.这事为什么发生, 大家都说不准。

It's anybody's guess what's going to happen next.接下来会发生什么事情, 谁都拿不准。

at a guess据猜测, 凭猜测(表示所说的只是推测或主观判断)

At a guess he's been dead for two days.据猜测, 他死了两天了。





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