

单词 guard
释义 guard¹ /ɡɑːd/ n.
1.(one who watches)卫兵;警卫;狱吏;看守

They will give him an armed guard.他们会给他配备一个武装警卫。

The prisoners overpowered their guards and locked them up.囚犯制服了看守并把他们锁了起来。

See alsosecurity guard
2.(ceremonial group)仪仗队
3.【篮】(team position)后卫位置
5.【体】(defensive posture)(击剑、拳击、板球等运动中的)防御姿势

The guard blew his whistle.列车长吹响了哨子。

7.(safety device)防护装置(或设备);(刀、剑的)护柄;(枪炮的)扳机护圈

When the guard is taken off, the machine won't start.防护装置卸下时, 机器便不会启动。

A blade guard is fitted to protect the operator.装刀片保护套为的是保护操作工。

the chin guard of my helmet我头盔上的下巴保护罩

8.(protecting thing)防护物
11.(protecting garment)防护服;护具
to catch sb off guard让某人吃惊;使某人措手不及

Charm the audience and catch them off guard.吸引观众的注意力, 然后给他们来个出其不意。

The invitation had caught me off guard.这个邀请让我有点措手不及。

to give guard【板】(裁判)给击球员指定正确的防守位置
to lower your guardorto drop your guardorlet your guard down放松警惕, 丧失警惕(常伴有不好的后果)

You can't let your guard down.你不能放松警惕。

We couldn't afford to lower our guard until all the security checks had been carried out.各项安全检查没有全部做完以前, 我们不能放松警惕。

to mount guardorto mount guards派人守卫;安排看守

They've even mounted guard outside the main hotel in the capital.他们甚至派人在首都这家主要饭店外面站岗。

Police mounted round-the-clock guards on properties last night.警方昨晚对各处资产进行了通宵守卫。

to mount guard over sth派人守卫某物;安排看守某物

I half expected the American to pick up the spare machine pistol and mount guard over the operation.我有点盼望那个美国人能拿起闲着的冲锋枪保卫此次行动。

off your guard不提防;没准备;丧失警惕

What happened next caught me completely off my guard.接下来发生的事让我完全措手不及。

on guard站岗;值班;警戒

Police were on guard at Barnet Town Hall.警察在巴尼特市政大厅站岗执勤。

+ attack, criticism提防某事物;警惕某事物

He is constantly on guard against any criticism.他时刻提防着任何批评。

Everyone should now be on their guard against terrorist attacks.每个人现在都要提防恐怖袭击。

on your guard警惕;警戒

The police have questioned him thoroughly, and he'll be on his guard.警方已经对他进行了彻底盘问, 因此他会存有戒心。

to stand guard(哨兵等)站岗, 放哨, 守卫

One young policeman stood guard outside the locked embassy gates.一位年轻的警察在紧锁的大使馆门外站岗。

to take guard【板】(击球手)确定正确的防守位置
under guard被监视;在看守下

Three men were arrested and one was under guard in hospital.有三个人被捕, 一人在看守之下住院治疗。

guard² /ɡɑːd/ vt.
1.(protect)+ person, building守卫;警卫;保卫;保护

Soldiers guard the entrance to the palace.士兵守卫在宫殿门口。

Scotland Yard sent an officer to guard his house.苏格兰场派了一位警官去守护他的房子。

He closely guarded her identity.他对她的身份守口如瓶。

to be guarded by sth被…保护;由…守卫

His front door is guarded by a pit-bull terrier.他的前门由一只美洲斗牛㹴看守。

He is being guarded by a platoon of police.他被一队警察保护着。

to guard sb/sth from sth保护…以使其免受…

There are saucers of beer to guard lettuces from slugs.这有几碟啤酒可以使生菜免受蛞蝓之害。

to guard sth with your life用生命去保护某物;不惜一切代价保卫某物

We parked our car and paid a young man to guard it with his life.我们停好车, 掏钱让一个年轻男子不惜一切代价看好它。

2.(watch)+ prisoner看守;监视

She was guarded night and day.她被日夜监视着。

He had been told to guard the prisoners.他被告知去看守囚犯。


He who guards his mouth keeps his life.谨口慎言, 方能保命。

4.(control access through)+ door, gate防守(球门、区域等)
5.(equip machinery)给(机器等)安装防护装置
7.(in curling)(冰上溜石游戏中)掩护, 保护
8.<古>(accompany as guard)护送
Phrasal Verbguard against




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