

单词 grow
释义 grow /ɡrəʊ/(grows,growing,grew,grown)
🄰 vi.
1.(of living things)beard, hair, nails +长;生长;plants, animals, people +成长;发育

After the treatment my hair began to grow again.经过治疗, 我的头发又开始生长了。

Strawberries grow well in pots or planter boxes.草莓在花盆或花槽中会长得很好。

Grass grows quickly.草长得很快。

We stop growing at maturity.我们成年之后不再长个儿。

to grow by sth长至…

The plant grows by up to 10cm a month.这种植物一个月最多可长高10厘米。

2.(increase)economy, business, number, amount, rate, productivity +增长;增强

The economy continues to grow.经济持续增长。

With excellent references from her clients, the business grew steadily.凭借她良好的客户口碑, 业务实现了稳步增长。

The number of unemployed people has grown.失业人数增加了。

to grow by …增长…;增幅为…

Productivity grew by just 0.6 % between 1972 and 1982.生产力在1972年到1982年间只增长了0.6%。

In eight years, the newspaper's circulation grew by 61.7 %.这份报纸的发行量在八年内增长了61.7%。

3.(change in length)逐渐变长;逐渐增大

Branches develop and grow towards the greatest exposure to sun.树枝朝阳光最充足的方向延伸生长。

Roots grow downwards from the stem.树根由茎部向下生长。

4.(develop)influence, fears, pressure +逐渐产生;发展;扩大

Their influence is steadily growing.他们的影响在稳步扩大。

Opposition grew and the government agreed to negotiate.反对派的势力日趋强大, 政府因而同意进行谈判。

to grow to be sthorto grow to feel sth逐渐成为…;逐渐感觉到…

He grew to love his work.他逐渐喜欢上了自己的工作。


Their voices grew louder and louder.他们的声音变得越来越大。

As the days passed he grew more uneasy.日子一天天过去, 他也越来越不安了。

Japan's department stores grew rich by selling high-priced luxury brands.日本的百货商店销售价格不菲的奢侈品牌商品, 财力雄厚。

6.(become covered)长满

The path grew with weeds.小路长满了野草。

7.(start to be)发生;产生;开始存在

The idea for this book grew out of conversations with Philippa Brewster.创作这本书的想法来源于跟菲莉帕·布鲁斯特的谈话。

🄱 vt.
1.(produce)+ crops, vegetables, flowers, plants栽种;种植;生产

I'm growing leeks in my garden.我正在花园里种韭葱。

I always grow a few red onions.我总会种一些红洋葱。

Lettuce was grown by the Ancient Romans.莴苣是由古罗马人种植的。

2.(allow to develop)+ hair留;蓄

I've decided to grow my hair.我已决定要蓄发。

to grow a beard留胡子

He started growing a beard when he was only 16.他才16岁的时候就开始留胡子了。

3.(develop)+ business, company发展

seeking opportunities to grow our business寻找使我们的企业发展的机会

investors that would help grow the company有助于公司发展的投资者们

Phrasal Verbsgrow apart,grow away from,grow in,grow into,grow on,grow out,grow out of,grow together,grow up




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