单词 | ground |
释义 | ground¹ 1.(land)地;地面 She laid the blanket on the ground.她把毯子铺在地上。 Four Marines on board and one on the ground were injured.船上4名和地上1名海军陆战队士兵受了伤。 to pick sth up off/from the ground把某物从地上捡起来 He picked his coat up from the ground.他从地上捡起上衣。 below ground在地下;在地面下 They spend their lives below ground sucking sap from roots.它们生活在地下, 靠吸食根液为生。 above ground在地上;在地面上 Nuclear testing above ground has been banned.地上核试验已经被禁止。 2.(earth)土;土壤 The ground was very wet and soft.土壤非常潮湿松软。 This is not very good ground for growing wheat.这种土壤并不十分适合种植小麦。 3.(land with feature)(有某种特性的)土地 a rocky piece of ground一块多岩石的土地 the marshy ground of the river delta河流三角洲的沼泽地 Indian hunting grounds印第安狩猎地 4.(modified land)(有特殊用途的)场地, 场 a football ground足球场 Manchester United's football ground曼彻斯特联队的足球场 sacred ground圣地 This memorial stands on sacred ground.这座纪念碑屹立在圣地上。 developing ground发展基地 The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques.公司一直享有新技术开发基地的美誉。 See alsoparade ground recreation ground 5.【地理】河底;海底 6.(floor)地板 7.(strength)地位;优势;强项 to gain ground取得优势 There are signs that the party is gaining ground in the latest polls.有迹象显示, 该党派在最近的民调中支持率在上升。 to lose ground失去优势 The US dollar has lost more ground against the yen.美元对日元的强势进一步下降。 8.<正式>(reason)理由;根据 on that ground出于那个理由 Anyone refusing to join had no defence against dismissal by the employer on that ground.任何拒绝参与的人都无法保护自己不被雇主因此开除。 9.(in contest, discussion, argument)观点;立场 to find the middle ground找到中间立场 The sooner we find a middle ground between freedom of speech and protection of the young, the better for everyone.我们越快找到言论自由和保护年轻人之间的中间立场, 对每个人就越好。 to change your ground改变立场 Nothing prevents us from changing our ground and taking into account the latest developments.没有什么能阻止我们改变立场并把最新的进展考虑进去。 to shift your ground on sth改变对某事物的立场 Government leaders have shifted their ground on drugs, announcing their willingness to decriminalize cannabis.政府领导人已经改变了对毒品的立场, 宣布他们愿意使大麻合法化。 to hold your groundorto stand your ground坚持立场 Tom stood his ground and glared right back at them.汤姆坚持己见, 朝他们怒目而视。 a theory that has held its ground for nearly six decades坚持将近60年不变的理论 on safe ground处于安全境地 Sanger is on reasonably safe ground when he sticks to military history.桑格只谈军事史, 这样他的立场就还算安全。 to be on shaky ground地位不稳 She knew she was on shaky ground if she withheld any details.她知道如果拒绝透露任何细节的话, 自己就站不住脚了。 neutral ground中间立场 a neutral ground in which different groups will feel able to discuss the issues openly会使不同团体觉得能够坦率讨论问题的中间立场 common ground共同点 There seems to be little common ground between the warring parties.交战双方似乎没有什么共同立场。 to find common ground找到共同点 The treaty depends on the two men's ability to find common ground.这一协议取决于两个人能否达成共识。 10.(matter for consideration)范围;领域 It's often necessary to go over the same ground more than once.常常需要对同一问题进行多次研究。 to break new ground取得新进展;开辟新领域 She broke new ground when she filed her report on the Spanish Civil War.她发回的关于西班牙内战的报道开拓了新的视角。 This document broke new ground in penal policy in the UK.这一文件使英国刑罚政策取得了新的进展。 to cover (a lot of) ground覆盖范围(广) He covered a lot of ground in his lecture.他的讲座所涉颇广。 11.【电】(connection)接地 12.【电】(terminal)接地装置;地线 13.(in painting)底;底子 14.【板】(area for batsman)击球区 15.【板】(ground staff)球场维护人员 16.(in lacemaking)(蕾丝花边的)底子 17.to burn sth to the groundorto raze sth to the ground彻底烧毁某物;把某物夷为平地 18.to cut the ground from under sb's feet先发制人地挫败某人的行动;先发制人地驳倒某人的论点 19.down to the ground<非正式>完全地;彻底地 The job suited him down to the ground.这个工作完全适合他。 The Mediterranean-style room suits her down to the ground.这个地中海式风格的房间让她非常满意。 20.to be fertile ground for sb/sth是某人/某事物发展的沃土 Clubs have become fertile ground for entrepreneurs.俱乐部已经成为企业家发展的沃土。 Colonialism is especially fertile ground for nationalist ideas.殖民主义尤其会刺激民族主义思想的发展。 21.to get off the ground<非正式>启动;起步 We help small companies to get off the ground.我们帮助小公司创业。 We had plans for a revised edition but they never got off the ground.我们有过修订计划, 但从未实施。 22.to go to ground<英>潜伏;躲藏 Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters.东贝鲁特的市民都藏进了地下室和避难所里。 He went to ground to avoid arrest and has not been seen since.为逃避追捕, 他躲了起来, 此后再也没有人见过他。 23.the high ground(道义上的)制高点 Why don't we take the high ground and not get involved in the blame game?我们为什么不姿态高一点, 别去相互指责呢? 24.into the ground<非正式>过分详尽地 She introduced her thesis and then proceeded to elaborate it into the ground.她介绍了自己的论文, 然后进一步仔仔细细地说明。 25.to meet sb on their own ground满足对方的条件 26.to prepare the ground铺路;做好准备 a political initiative which would prepare the ground for war为战争铺路的政治倡议 a series of meetings which will prepare the ground for monetary union将为货币联盟创造条件的一系列会议 27.thin on the ground为数不多的;寥寥无几的 Good managers are often thin on the ground.优秀管理者常常如凤毛麟角。 ground²🄰 vt. 1.(confine)+ plane使停飞 The Dutch Air Force has grounded all its aircraft.荷兰空军停飞了所有的飞机。 The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded.民用航空部长命令所有飞机停飞。 A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle.氢气泄漏迫使美国国家航空航天局停飞了航天飞机。 2.(punish)+ child把…关在家里;把…禁足 His father grounded him for a month.他的父亲把他关在家里一个月。 3.<美>(attach to electrical ground)把…接地 Ground the circuit before testing it.测试前把电路接地。 4.<正式>(put on ground)把…放在地上 5.(teach)给…教授基础知识;给…进行基础训练 My uncle grounded me in the violin when I was about seven.我大约7岁时, 叔叔给我进行小提琴基础训练。 6.(establish)使基于 Her argument was grounded in fact.她的论点建立在事实基础上。 They believe the soul is immortal, grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit.基于对人类灵魂神性本质的信仰, 他们相信灵魂不朽。 7.【海】使搁浅 Residents have been told to stay away from the region where the ship was grounded.居民们被告知远离船只搁浅的地区。 8.(paint)给…上底色;为…打底子 🄱 vi. ship +搁浅 the rocks where the ship had grounded船只搁浅的礁石处 The boat finally grounded on a reef.船最终在一块暗礁上搁浅。 ground³1.(powdered)+ coffee, spice磨碎的 ground cinnamon肉桂粉 ground ginger姜粉 2.(finished)磨过的 ground diamonds打磨过的钻石 3.(of animals, objects)在地面上的;生活在地面的;在地上使用的 a ground squirrel地松鼠 4.(not in the air)地面上的 A member of our ground staff will assist you.我们的一个地面工作人员会协助你。 5.【植】(用于植物名称)被地的(指矮生且往往蔓生或植株伸展的植物) ground ivy欧活血丹 ground⁴grind¹的过去式和过去分词 |
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