

单词 green
释义 green¹ /ɡriːn/ n.

The walls were a bright green.这几堵墙曾是鲜绿色的。

the green of the trees against the background of blue sky在蓝天映衬下树木的翠绿

a dark green墨绿色

3.(something green)绿色物

Have you ever thought of wearing green?你有没有考虑过穿绿色衣服?

4.(stretch of grass)(尤指村庄中心的)草地
the village green村中心的草坪

The villagers fought hard to save their green.村民们为保护他们的公共绿地努力斗争。

5.(special area)(有专门用途的)草地, 场地
a bowling green草地滚木球场

a drying green晾晒场

6.【高尔夫】(grass area at golf hole)果岭;球穴区

the 18th green第18洞果岭

He was in a bunker and I was on the green when my pager went.他的球在沙坑而我的在球穴区, 这时我的传呼机响了。


folding green纸币

green² /ɡriːn/ adj.
1.(green in colour)绿色的
blonde hair and green eyes金发碧眼

green leaves绿叶

a green car一辆绿色汽车

a green monkey一只绿猴
3.(ecological)+ issue, policy, activist环保的;+ product绿色的;无污染的

green issues such as pollution诸如污染之类的环保问题

They are trying to persuade governments to adopt greener policies.他们正试图说服政府采取更环保的政策。

Our children are being educated to be green in everything they do.我们教育孩子做任何事都要环保。

a green old age精神矍铄的老年
to be green with envy十分嫉妒

I was green with envy as I watched him drive away in his new car.看着他开着一辆新车走了, 我嫉妒得不得了。


He was very green, straight out of college.他刚走出大学校门, 还很青涩。

As often happens with green troops, retreat quickly turned to rout.正如初上战场的部队常常发生的一样, 撤退迅速变成了溃退。

a talented but green player有天赋的新人选手

7.(having foliage)草木青葱的;有青翠植物的;绿油油的
a green wood一片青翠的树林

the green fields of Kent肯特郡绿油油的田地

green bananas青香蕉

green vegetables新鲜蔬菜

9.(looking ill)脸色发青的

Richard is turning green from the ship's violent motions.船的剧烈摇晃使理查德开始脸色发青。

10.【金融】(of unit of account)绿色货币的(指记账单位随欧盟各国货币汇率波动而调整、用以支付欧盟内部农产品交易的)

the green pound绿色英镑

12.【烹】(unprocessed)(肉)未熏制的, 未腌制的, 未加工的

green bacon半成品烟熏肉

13.【冶】(砂型、金属陶瓷等产品)湿的, 未煅烧的
14.+ wood(木材)湿的, 未干燥的

Keep smoke to a minimum by using dry, seasoned wood rather than green timber.烧老干柴而不是新木材以把烟降到最少。

15.+ concrete未固化的;尚未达设计强度的

It still smelled new, of green concrete and timber and paint.它闻起来仍是新的, 是新浇混凝土、木材和油漆的味道。

16.green around the gills脸色发青的;面如土色的

Last night in the hospital he'd looked a little green around the gills.昨晚在医院他看起来脸色有点发青。





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