

单词 greasy
释义 greasy /ˈɡriːzɪ; -sɪ/ adj.(greasier,greasiest)
1.+ hair, skin油腻的;油性的

He had long, greasy hair.他的头发又长又油腻。

She had rather greasy skin with a few spots.她皮肤很油, 还长了一些粉刺。

2.+ food油腻的;多油的

The chips were very greasy.这些炸薯条很油腻。

3.+ hands, clothes满是油污的;沾满油渍的

He wiped his greasy hands on the grass.他在草上蹭掉手上的油污。

He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter.他双肘支在满是油污的柜台上。

4.<英>+ road, surface湿滑的;滑溜溜的

The roads were greasy after the rain.雨后道路变得湿滑。

5.+ person油滑的;阿谀逢迎的;虚情假意的

He was a greasy and insincere little man.他是个阿谀逢迎、虚情假意的小个子男人。





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