

单词 grease
释义 grease¹ /ɡriːs/ n.

There must have been an inch of grease on the kitchen stove.厨房的炉子上肯定已经积了一英寸厚的油污。

There's grease on the camera lens.相机镜头上有点油垢。

2.(lubricating oil)油脂状物;(尤指)润滑脂

Apply a little light grease to keep it in good condition.涂一点轻薄的润滑脂来保养它。

4.(skin inflammation)脚踵炎;马踵炎
grease² /ɡriːs/ vt.
1.+ dish, tin给…涂油脂

Grease two ovenproof dishes.给两个耐热盘子抹一点油脂。

Place the frozen rolls on a greased baking tray.把这些冻卷儿放到涂过油脂的烤盘上。

2.+ part of machine给…加润滑脂

Clean and grease the valve thoroughly.把这个阀门彻底清洗并涂上润滑脂。

3.to grease the palm of sborto grease the hand of sb<非正式>贿赂某人;用金钱收买某人

Such work can be avoided if you grease the palms of the officials.如果你买通了官员, 这些工作就可以免去了。

4.to grease the skids<美,非正式>使事情顺畅进行
5.to grease the wheels of sth打通某事的关节;使某事顺畅进行

It can be seen as a way of creating and maintaining relationships, because it can grease the wheels of social intercourse.它能使社会交往变得顺畅, 因此可以被视为建立和维系人际关系的一种方式。





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