

单词 grandfather
释义 grandfather /ˈɡrænˌfɑːðə; ˈɡrænd-/ n.
1.(parent's father)祖父;外祖父;爷爷;姥爷
2.the grandfather of sth
(respected older man)某处的元老;某领域的前辈

By comparison with the two newcomers to party leadership, he is the grandfather of the nation.和党的领导层中两位新秀比起来, 他是这个国家的元老。

The grandfather of Soviet football had also been mentor to the young Mikhailichenko.这位苏联足球前辈还曾经指点过年轻的米哈伊利琴科。

3.the grandfather of sth

This is the 23rd medical novel by the grandfather of the genre.这是医学小说的创始人所撰写的第23部作品。

the grandfather of transpersonal psychology超个人心理学的创始人

4.the grandfather of sth
(first of kind)某事物的源头(或鼻祖)

Aspirin, after all, is the grandfather of all nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.阿司匹林毕竟是所有非甾体消炎剂的鼻祖。

His 1962 film, The Manchurian Candidate, is the grandfather of conspiracy thrillers.他于1962年拍摄的电影《谍网迷魂》是阴谋惊悚片的始祖。





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