

单词 good
释义 good¹ /ɡʊd/ adj.(better,best)

We had a really good time together.我们一同度过了一段非常愉快的时光。

it's good to do sth做某事很高兴

It's good to see you again.很高兴又见到了你。

It was good to hear from you.很高兴收到你的来信。

the good things of life生活中的美好事物
2.(of high quality)好的;优质的

It's a very good film.这是一部非常好的电影。

You can tell a good wine by its smell.通过气味可以辨别优质葡萄酒。

She speaks very good English.她英语说得很好。

3.(suitable, satisfactory)合适的;恰当的;+ range, selection品质好的;+ price合理的;+ progress, result, outcome良好的

It's a nice hotel with a good variety of facilities.这个旅馆很不错, 设施也比较齐全。

Guinea pigs make good pets.豚鼠做宠物挺好的。

4.(talented)+ musician, teacher, doctor, athlete优秀的;能干的

My husband is a much better cook than me.我丈夫做饭比我强多了。

to be good at sth擅长某事

He's good at his job.他工作很得心应手。

to be good at doing sth擅长做某事
to be good with sb/sth善于和某人/某事物打交道

She's very good with children.她很会对付孩子。

I'm not very good with statistics.我对统计数字不太在行。

to be good with your hands手很巧
5.(beneficial)+ luck, fortune好的;有益的
to have the good luck to do sthorto have the good fortune to do sth有幸做某事
to be good for sb/sth对…有好处

Vegetables are good for you.蔬菜对你有好处。

to be good for doing sth对做某事有帮助

The Internet is good for finding out things.互联网对查找东西有帮助。

good news好消息

We've had some good news.我们有一些好消息。

Good news – I've passed my exam!好消息——我通过考试了!

to be good news for sb对某人是好消息
6.(reasonable, sensible)+ idea, decision明智的;有道理的

What a good idea!真是个好主意!

What's the best way to tackle him?用什么办法对付他最好?

Give me one good reason why I should say yes!给我个充分的理由, 为什么我要答应!

7.(accurate)+ guide, indication准确的;精确的

This is a good test of people's suitability for the job.这个测试可以很好地检验人们是否适合这项工作。

8.(appropriate, acceptable)可取的;可接受的;对的

I think it's good that you are taking part.我觉得你参加是对的。

Often it's best to say nothing.通常最好是什么也不说。

9.(morally correct)正直的;高尚的;品行好的

The president is a good man.会长是个好人。

to set a good example树立好榜样
10.(well-behaved)+ child听话的;乖的;+ behaviour, manners有礼貌的

Be a good boy and eat up your broccoli.乖乖听话, 把花椰菜吃了。

Good dog!狗狗真乖!

to be good to sb对某人好

They were so good to me.他们对我真好。

to be good of sb某人真好

That's very good of you.你真的是太好了。

12.(healthy and attractive)+ complexion, figure健康的;好看的

She has a good figure.她身材很好。

13.(happy)+ mood, humour, temper快乐的;愉快的
to feel good觉得愉快
14.to be goodorto feel good
(be physically well)感觉舒服

I don't feel too good.我感觉不太舒服。

He's feeling much better today.他今天感觉好多了。

15.(considerable)+ range, selection可观的;相当大的
a good while ago很久以前
a good bit<非正式>很不少
a good many很多

A good many of the members never come to these meetings.很多成员从不来参加这些会议。

16.(convenient)+ moment, time, opportunity方便的;合适的

When would be a good time to call?什么时间打电话比较合适?

It was too good an opportunity to miss.那是一次不应该错过的极好机会。

17.(indicating the better of two)(两者中)较好的, 正常的

He can hear quite well with his good ear.他用那只好耳朵能听得很清楚。

18.(fine)+ weather晴朗的

The weather will be better at the weekend.天气到周末会转好。

19.(fertile)+ earth, land, soil肥沃的
20.<口>(well, fine)挺好的;不错的

How are you?—I'm good. How are you?你好吗?——我挺好的, 你好吗?

Would you like some more coffee?—I'm good, thanks.想再来点咖啡吗?——不用了, 谢谢。


I've given it a good clean.我把它好好洗了洗。

to take a good look仔细看一看
22.(legally valid)+ ticket, voucher有效的;真的

She comes from a good family.她家世良好。

24.(commercially sound)+ investment, risk稳健的

If your credit is good, finding cheap car loans won't be difficult.如果你的信用良好, 获得廉价的汽车贷款不会很难。

25.(not decayed)+ food完好的;未腐败的

The serve was good.发球有效。

27.【会计】+ debt优良的;能偿还的
28.<美>(government meat classification)(政府对肉类的分级)良级的
29.(kept for best)留着特殊场合用的

She got the good plates out for guests.她把专用的好盘子拿出来招待客人。

30.<过时>(used politely or patronizingly)(用于客套或倨傲的表达, 或表示愤怒、讽刺)

Give my regards to your good lady.代我向尊夫人问好。

31.(used in mild oaths)(用于温和的诅咒)

Good grief, is that the time?哎呀!天哪!时间到了吗?

32.as good as sth差不多;几乎

His career is as good as over.他的职业生涯差不多结束了。

She as good as admitted it was her fault.她等于承认这是她的错。

33.as good as gold很乖的;规规矩矩的
34.as good as new像新的一样
35.be good enough to do sthorbe so good as to do sth<正式>请做某事

Would you be good enough to open the door for me, please?请你帮我打开门好吗?

Be so good as to step this way.请这边走。

36.to be good for sth
person +可指望提供某物

Jill's usually good for a couple of hundred dollars.吉尔通常是拿得出几百美元的。

37.to be a good friend是好朋友

Jim and I are good friends.吉姆和我是好朋友。

38.a good …
(for emphasis)(用于强调)至少

It took us a good half hour to get there.我们花了至少半小时才到达那里。

39.good and …<非正式>(用于强调)很, 十分

Heat the water till it's good and hot.把水加热到很烫。

40.the good life舒适的生活
41.good old …(用在人名、地名或事物前作为爱称)

You can always rely on good old Frieda.弗里达老兄总是靠得住的。

42.it's a good job<英>it's a good thing幸好;好在

It's a good thing your mother didn't find out.幸好你妈妈没有发现。

43.to look good<非正式>person +很好看;situation, prospects +看上去不错;看来有希望

Things are looking good for us at the moment.对我们来说眼下情况看起来还不错。

44.to make good
(be successful)获得成功;成名;发财
45.to make sth good
(compensate for, repair)+ loss赔偿;+ damage修理;+ threat把…付诸实施;+ promise兑现;履行
46.to make good your escape成功逃脱
47.to make good on sth
+ threat把…付诸实施;+ promise兑现;履行
48.that's a good one<口>(indicating disbelief)(表示不相信或怀疑)不会吧
(that's funny)(表示赞许别人说的笑话)真有趣啊
good² /ɡʊd/ n.
1.for the good of sb/sth
(for the benefit of)为了…好;出于对…的考虑

She resigned for the good of her health.出于对健康的考虑, 她辞职了。

it's for your own good这是为了你好
2.(moral goodness)善;好
the battle between good and evil善恶之争
4.【哲】(beneficial thing)好东西;有益的事
5.the good
(good people)好人
6.to be any good
(referring to usefulness)有用

Is this any good?这有什么用?

If it's any good to you, keep it.如果对你有用, 你就留着吧。

(referring to quality)质量好

Was the film any good?这部电影好吗?

is it any good doing sth?做某事有什么用?

Is it any good asking Peter to help?请彼得帮忙有用吗?

7.to be no good不好;没用

This screwdriver's no good. Get me another one!这把螺丝刀不好用。再给我拿一把!

8.to be no good at sth不擅长某事
to be no good at doing sth做某事不行

I was no good at teaching.我教书不行。

9.to be up to no good<非正式>做不出好事

He's up to no good.他这个人不干好事。

10.to be not much good不怎么样

The boarding school I went to was not much good.我上过的那个寄宿学校不怎么样。

11.to be not much good at sth不怎么擅长某事

I'm not much good at poetry.我对诗歌不太在行。

12.the common goodorthe general good众人的利益
13.to do sb good对某人有好处

The outing will do me good.出游会对我有好处。

14.to do no goodornot to do any good不起作用;没有效果

It didn't do any good.这没起什么作用。

15.for goodorfor good and all永远;永久地
16.to get some good of sth/sb<爱尔兰>(handle effectively)搞的定…
(understand properly)弄得懂…
(get cooperation from)得到…的配合
17.it's no good doing sth做某事没用

It's no good complaining.抱怨是没有用的。

18.what's the good of sthorwhat's the good of doing sth…有什么用?
See alsogoods
good³ /ɡʊd/ interj.
1.<口>(用于表示满意或赞同)好, 很好
2.good for youorgood on you(用于表示赞许)真行, 真棒, 好样的
good⁴ /ɡʊd/ adv.




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