

单词 glide
释义 glide¹ /ɡlaɪd/
🄰 vi.
1.(through air)bird, plane +滑翔
(over water, land)boat, swan, snake, car, train +滑行;滑动;person +轻盈地行走

An owl was gliding silently over the fields.一只猫头鹰悄无声息地掠过田野。

The canoe glided out through the shelter of the bank.独木舟从岸旁的遮蔽处滑行而出。

The snake glides swiftly towards its prey.蛇飞快地朝着猎物滑过去。

How smoothly the train glided over the rails!火车在轨道上行驶得真平稳啊!

The waiter glides effortlessly between the tables.服务员在桌子之间自如穿行。

2.(pass slowly)渐变

She glided into sleep.她不知不觉地睡着了。

3.【航空】aircraft +滑翔着陆
4.(fly a glider)驾驶滑翔机
5.【音】(produce musical sound)奏出滑音;奏出延音
6.【言语】(produce speech sound)发出滑音
🄱 vt.
【航空】+ aircraft使滑翔着陆
glide² /ɡlaɪd/ n.
1.(smooth movement)滑动
an effortless glide毫不费力的滑动
3.(dance step)(舞蹈中的)滑步
4.【航空】(aircraft manoeuvre)滑翔
5.(act of gliding)滑动;滑动过程
6.+of trombone(长号的)滑管
7.【音】(musical sound)滑音;延音
8.【言语】(speech sound)滑音;过度音




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