

单词 glare
释义 glare¹ /ɡleə/
🄰 vi.
1.(stare)person +怒视;瞪眼

Jacob glared and muttered something.雅各布瞪着眼, 嘴里嘟哝着什么。

He glared angrily out of the window.他生气地瞪着窗外。

to glare at sb怒视某人

He glared at me furiously.他愤怒地瞪着我。

2.(shine)light +发出强光;发出刺眼的光

The sun was glaring in my eyes.太阳的强光刺着我的双眼。

3.(be garish)光彩夺目;耀眼
🄱 vt.

She glared her resentment.她满眼怨恨。

glare² /ɡleə/ n.
1.(angry look)瞪视;怒视

Owen paled before Richard's glare.在理查德的瞪视下, 欧文脸色苍白。

to give sb a glare怒视某人

She gave him a furious glare.她对他怒目而视。

2.+of light强光;耀眼的光

the glare of a car's headlights车前灯刺眼的强光

She closed her eyes against the glare.她在强光照射下闭上了眼睛。


She prefers to live away from the glare of London.她更喜欢远离伦敦的浮华, 居在别处。

4.to be in the glare of the cameras处于媒体的聚光灯下

She attacked police in the full glare of TV cameras .她在电视媒体的镜头前袭警。

5.the glare of publicity公众的关注

At home he can relax, away from the glare of publicity.离开了公众的视线, 在家里他可以放松下来。

Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity.据说诺尔玛不喜欢被公众关注。





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