

单词 glance
释义 glance¹ /ɡlɑːns/ n.
1.(look, peep)看一下;一瞥

He signed the letter with only a glance at what I had written.他只瞥了一眼我写的内容就在上面签了字。

He had spent all his professional life intercepting and interpreting glances and covert looks.他的全部职业生涯都用在了辨识和解读别人的眼光和隐秘的表情上。

to give sb/sth a glance匆匆瞥一眼某人/某物

Frannie gave her brother a fretful glance.弗兰妮烦躁地瞥了一眼她的兄弟。

I only gave the contract a very brief glance.我只是匆匆瞥了一眼合同。

to exchange a glanceorto exchange glances交换眼色

Trevor and I exchanged a glance.特雷弗和我交换了一个眼色。

a quick glance飞快的一瞥

A quick glance at the state of rail finances shows the scale of today's problems.粗粗了解一下铁路系统的金融状况就能看出现在问题的严重程度。

a sideways glance一瞟

He threw her a sideways glance of apology.他充满歉意地瞟了她一眼。

Usage Note
有时在该用glimpse的地方容易误用glance,例如: he caught glimpse (不能用glance) of her making her way through the crowd(他匆匆一瞥,看到她正艰难地从人群中挤过)。

the glance of reflected sunlight off steel在钢材表面反射出的阳光


the horse that has an unlucky glance off at a corner那匹在拐角处不幸弹出去的马


copper glance辉铜矿

7.at first glance
(at first sight)乍一看

At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.乍看之下, 有机农业对农民来说成本高得多。

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense at first glance.乍一看这没什么道理。

8.at a glance

I could tell at a glance that she was unwell.我一眼就看出她身体不适。

a small map that shows you the main hotels at a glance一眼就能找到主要旅馆的小地图

9.to steal a glance at sb/sth
(look at)偷偷瞥一眼某人/某物

He stole a glance at the clock behind her.他偷偷地扫了一眼她背后的钟。

glance² /ɡlɑːns/
🄰 vi.

She glanced from side to side.她左右扫视。

Jacqueline glanced out of the window.杰奎琳朝窗外瞥了一眼。

to glance at sb/sth瞥一眼某人/某物

The soldiers grinned and glanced at each other.士兵们咧嘴笑了, 互相扫了一眼。

He glanced at me suspiciously.他用怀疑的目光瞥了我一眼。

Peter glanced at his watch.彼得扫了一眼他的手表。

2.(in order to skim)快速浏览
to glance at sth快速浏览某物

I glanced briefly at the newspaper.我飞快地浏览了报纸。

to glance through sth迅速翻阅某物

I picked up the phone book and glanced through it.我拿起电话簿, 匆匆翻了一下。

I glanced through the report.我浏览了报告。

3.(glint, gleam)反光;发光

The sun glanced on the water.水面在阳光下波光粼粼。

🄱 vt.
(hit at an angle)侧击;斜击

The arrow glanced the tree and fell to the ground.箭擦过树, 掉落在地上。

Clyde Wijnhard glanced a header wide from a couple of yards in the third minute.克莱德·维恩哈德在第3分钟从两三码远的地方斜顶头球。

Phrasal Verbsglance around,glance away,glance back,glance down,glance off,glance round,glance up




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