

单词 glacial
释义 glacial /ˈɡleɪsɪəl; -ʃəl/ adj.
1.(cold)+ wind, weather冰冷的
the glacial cold of the Arctic北极的冰寒

Her voice echoed through the glacial halls.她的嗓音在冰冷的大厅里回响。

2.(hostile)+ person, look, tone冷冰冰的;冷若冰霜的

The Queen's glare was glacial.女王怒目而视, 目光冰冷。

Inside the jeep the atmosphere was glacial.吉普车里的气氛冷若冰霜。

3.(slow)+ progress极其缓慢的;+ slowness极度的

Even small advances are welcome in a profession where progress often seems glacial.在一个发展常常慢如蜗牛的职业领域, 即便是一些小进步, 也是受到欢迎的。

The process still moves with glacial slowness.进程仍然极其缓慢。

at a glacial pace以极其缓慢的速度

Change occurs at a glacial pace.变化发生的速度非常缓慢。

4.【地质】(relating to a glacier)+ lake, landscape, period冰川的;冰川作用形成的

a true glacial landscape with U-shaped valleys一个具U字形山谷的真正的冰川景观

rising sea levels at the end of the last glacial period上一个冰川期结束时的海平面上升

millennia of glacial movement数千年的冰川运动


the glacial heart of the mountain冰雪覆盖的山的腹地

The doorsteps were glacial with frost.门阶上覆盖着冰霜。





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