

单词 gear
释义 gear¹ /ɡɪə/ n.
1.【工】(toothed wheel)齿轮

interlocking cogs and gears啮合的轮齿与齿轮

My bike's got 21 gears.我的自行车有21个齿轮。


the steering gear of a boat船的转向装置

3.【汽车】+of car(排)挡

Select the lowest gear before moving off.开车前挂上最低挡。

Stay in low gear.保持低挡行驶。

The car was in fourth gear.汽车当时挂的是四挡。

in first gear在一挡
to be in second gear挂的是二挡
to change gear<英>to shift gear<美>换挡
to change down into first/second etc gear减速换至一档/二挡等

He changed down into third gear as we approached the corner.我们驶近拐角处时, 他减速换至三挡。

to leave the car in gear把车挂上挡

Leave the car in gear so it won't roll down the hill.把汽车挂上挡, 别让它溜下山坡。

See alsotop gear bottom gear high gear
4.(equipment)(运动、操作等的)设备, 用具
camping gear露营装备

fishing gear钓鱼用具

sports gear运动装备
5.(special clothes)(某种活动的)衣着, 服装

We took off our riding gear.我们脱下了骑装。

protective gear防护衣

police in riot gear穿防暴服的警察

6.<非正式>(fashionable clothes)(尤指青年人的)时尚衣着

the type of gear I used to wear as a teenager我十几岁时常穿的那种衣服

I used to wear trendy gear, but it just looked ridiculous.我过去经常穿时髦衣服, 但是看起来非常滑稽。


They helped us put our gear back into the van.他们帮我们把东西放回客货车上。


Are these people using gear?这些人是不是在吸毒?

9.【海】+of vessel, sailor帆具
10.<非正式>(stolen goods)失窃货物
11.to be in gear
(functioning well)运转正常;处于有效工作状态

His mind was in gear.他的思维十分活跃。

【汽车】car +已挂上挡
driver +给车挂上挡

He put the truck in gear and drove on.他把卡车挂上挡开走了。

12.to be out of gear
(functioning badly)出故障;运转不正常
【汽车】car +挂在空挡位
gear² /ɡɪə/ vt.

We must gear our output to current demand.我们必须调整产量, 适应当前的需求。

to be geared to sthorto be geared towards sth以某事物为目标

My training was geared towards winning gold in Munich.我训练的目标是在慕尼黑夺得金牌。

a prison policy which has been geared to punishment rather than rehabilitation旨在对犯人施以惩罚而非使其改过自新的监狱政策

to be geared to meet the needs of sb为满足某人的需求而设计

Our service is geared to meet the needs of the disabled.我们的服务宗旨是满足残疾人的需求。

Jobcentres are not geared to meet the needs of highly qualified people.就业服务中心并不是以高素质人才的需求为导向的。

2.【工】(equip with gears)给…装齿轮;用齿轮连接
Phrasal Verbsgear down,gear up,gear up for




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