

单词 gather
释义 gather¹ /ˈɡæðə/
🄰 vt.
1.(assemble)+ people聚集;集合;召集

The man signalled for me to gather the children together.那个男子示意我把孩子们聚集到一起。

He gathered the men together, then ordered them to lie down at gunpoint.他用枪威胁着这些人集拢到一起并命令他们趴下。

2.(pick up)收拢;收拾;捡拾;+ information, data, evidence搜集;收集

We had gathered enough firewood to last the night.我们拾的柴火足够过夜了。

He gathered his papers and left.他收好文件后就离开了。

The team worked for a year gathering data.这个团队花了一年时间收集资料。

3.(get the impression)推断;猜想;认为

Did you gather she was shocked?你当时觉得她很震惊吗?

She'd never been there but gathered it was boring.她从未去过那里, 但感觉应该很无聊。

to gather that …猜想;认为;了解到

I gathered that they were not going to eat with us.我想他们不会跟我们一起用餐了。

+ expression, tone of voice从…推断

I gather from his tone of voice that he's not very pleased.听他的口气, 我觉得他不太高兴。

From his disjointed ramblings, I gathered he didn't like doctors much.我从他杂乱无章的絮絮叨叨推断, 他不太喜欢医生。

4.+ flowers, fruit采摘;采集;收获

They gathered berries and nuts to eat.他们采食浆果和坚果。

5.(clasp, embrace)拥抱

She gathered him in her arms.她把他搂在怀里。

6.(bring close)拉近;搂

She gathered the child to her.她把孩子拉到她身边。

to gather speed加速

The train gathered speed.火车加快了速度。

The raft gathered speed as the current dragged it toward the falls.木筏顺水流向瀑布时速度越来越快。

to gather momentum势头增强

Demands for his dismissal have been gathering momentum in recent weeks.近几个星期来要求将他免职的呼声越来越高。

The build-up to the World Cup is starting to gather momentum.世界杯的筹备工作开始全面展开。

to gather force力量增强

The wind gathered force and shook every tree on the slope.风势越来越强劲, 撼动着斜坡上的每一棵树。

8.+ brow皱起
9.【印】(in bookbinding)为(书帖等)配页
10.【缝】+ waist, sleeve给…打褶子

I've nearly finished gathering the sleeves on my dress.我差不多给我的连衣裙袖子打好褶子了。

Gather the skirt at the waist.在裙子腰部打摺。

🄱 vi.

People gathered in front of Buckingham Palace.人们聚集在白金汉宫前。

A large crowd had gathered in the square.广场上聚集了一大群人。

In the evenings, we gathered around the fireplace and talked.晚上, 我们围在壁炉旁边聊天。

2.dust, clouds +积聚;逐渐增加

Dust had been gathering on the mantelpiece for weeks.壁炉台上积了好几个星期的灰尘了。

Clouds were gathering overhead.天空聚集起了乌云。

as far as I can gather根据我的了解;在我看来

As far as I could gather, he was trying to raise money for his new business.据我了解, 他当时正为他的新公司筹钱。

4.【病理】(form pus)(疮疖等)生脓, 化脓
5.to gather your thoughts/wits/courage整理想法/恢复理智/鼓足勇气

I paused to gather my thoughts and check my notes.我停顿下来整理思路并查看笔记。

She let out a loud sigh and tried to gather her wits.她大声叹了口气, 想清醒一下。

Phrasal Verbsgather in,gather round,gather up
gather² /ˈɡæðə/ n.

a gather in her skirt她裙子上的一条褶子





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