

单词 amplification
释义 amplification /ˌæmplɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n.
1.+of sound, signal放大;增强

a voice that needed no amplification不需要使用扩音设备的大嗓门

2.(intensification)+of problem, anxiety加剧;+of idea强化

that amplification of the elements in his character that made him able to dominate her他性格中使他得以支配她的那些因素的强化

3.(addition of material)扩充;补充;发挥;扩充(或补充、发挥)的部分

The point is made rather sketchily and would benefit from some amplification.对这一点的说明过于简略, 扩充一下会更好。

4.【遗】+of gene扩增




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