

单词 huge
释义 huge /hjuːdʒ/ adj.
+ amount, number, profit极大的;+ person高大的;+ object巨大的;+ crowd大规模的;+ task, problem艰巨的

We have had a huge amount of support from people.我们得到了民众的大力支持。

They have made huge profits.他们获得了巨额利润。

Our driver strolled up, huge and swarthy.我们的司机悠闲地走了过来, 他身材高大, 皮肤黝黑。

a huge window一扇巨大的窗子

The tiny little woman had huge black glasses.那个身材娇小的女子戴着一副硕大的黑框眼镜。

In Berlin, huge crowds turned out.在柏林, 大批的人群涌了出来。

He has a huge task ahead of him.一项艰巨的任务摆在他面前。

Another team is looking at the huge problem of debts between companies.另一个团队正在着手处理公司之间严重的债务问题。

a huge number of sth/sb大量的某物/某人

There are huge numbers of children who have greatly benefited from this.许许多多的孩子从中获益匪浅。

to make a huge difference产生巨大变化

Paid help can make a huge difference to the cleanliness and tidiness of your home.请钟点工可以使你家里的整洁状况大为改观。

to be a huge fan of sth/sb成为某事物/某人的狂热崇拜者

I am a huge fan ofThe Lord of the Rings.我是《指环王》的超级影迷。

He is a huge fan of the Brazilian striker Ronaldo.他是巴西前锋罗纳尔多的铁杆粉丝。

a huge success巨大的成功

The wedding was a huge success.这场婚礼极其成功。





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