

单词 formula
释义 formula¹ /ˈfɔːmjʊlə/ n.( 复formulasorformulae)
1.+of words(宗教仪式、诉讼程序等中的)惯用语, 套话

He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun.他提出了一个表述行星到太阳距离的数学公式。

3.+of molecules, radicals, ions分子式
a peace formula和平准则

There aren't any magic formulas that will help that violence go away.没有任何神奇方案可以促使那种暴力现象消弭。

a formula for sth某事物的方案;某事物的准则

Clever exploitation of the latest technology would be a sure formula for success.对最新科技的巧妙利用将是确保成功之道。

this simple formula for a long and happy life这个长寿幸福生活的简单准则

a formula to do sth做某事的方案
a winning formula成功方案

Coppola has also hit on a winning formula.科波拉也想出了一个成功方案。

5.(recipe for medicine, baby's food)处方;药方;配方
6.(medicine, baby's food)处方药;配方奶
bottles of formula几瓶配方奶
7.+of racing, racing cars等级;方程式

cars racing in the Formula 1参加一级方程式汽车赛的汽车





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