

单词 formal
释义 formal¹ /ˈfɔːməl/ adj.
1.(according to established convention)合乎传统的;合乎规范的
(official)+ announcement正式的

It will have to go to the Houses of Parliament for formal approval.这必须提交给国会以获得正式批准。

U.N. officials said a formal request was passed to American authorities.联合国官员表示, 已向美国当局提出了正式的请求。

No formal announcement had been made.正式的公告还未发布。

2.+ occasion, party, dinner合乎礼仪的;正式的

Foreign leaders are expected to attend a formal dinner at Buckingham Palace.外国领导人预计将出席在白金汉宫举办的正式晚宴。

3.+ behaviour有条不紊的;刻板的;拘谨的

Business relationships are necessarily rather formal.商业关系必然很正式。

4.(smart)+ clothes正式的;适合正式场合的;+ decor正式的;庄重的

The Coronata wallpaper lends a formal air to the dining room.科罗纳塔壁纸为餐厅增添了庄重的氛围。

5.+ language规范的;正规的;正式的;+ letter正式的;规范的;+ style正式的

In English, 'residence' is a formal term.在英语中, residence一词是正式用语。

a formal letter of apology正式的道歉信

6.+ education, training正规的

Many great inventors had no formal education.许多大发明家都未接受过任何正规教育。

8.(relating to form as opposed to substance)形式的;表面的
9.(logically deductive)逻辑推理的;形式的
a formal mathematical approach形式数学方法

This does not encourage the child to analyse the environment in a formal way.这并不能促使孩子以逻辑推理的方式分析外界环境。

a formal methodology形式方法论

10.【艺术,摄】(relating to form as opposed to matter)形式的;结构的
11.【艺术,摄】(pertaining to essence of something)本质的;实质的
12.(in Descartes' writings)(笛卡儿著作中用词)形式的, 形式化的
13.(in formal mode)形式上的
14.(denoting second-person pronoun)敬称的;用于正式场合的

In French the pronoun tu is informal, while vous is formal.在法语中, 代词tu比较随意, 而vous则用于正式场合。

15.formal garden布局规整的花园
formal² /ˈfɔːməl/ n.
formal³ /ˈfɔːməl/ n.




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