

单词 form
释义 form¹ /fɔːm/ n.
the form of the body身材
2.(mode)(人的)形体, 体形;(事物的)存在形式, 形态

The symptoms take various forms.症状表现为各种形式。

in powder form粉末状的

in tablet form以片剂形式

a rare form of cancer一种罕见的癌
application forms申请表
to fill in a form填表
5.(physical or mental condition)(尤指良好的)身体状况, 精神状态
off form不在状态的
6.+of athlete, player, team, horse过往成绩;成绩表

His form this season has been brilliant.他本赛季成绩极佳。

dismay at their team's recent form因他们队最近战绩不佳而灰心

two young horses with good recent form近来成绩上佳的两匹小马

7.(criminal record)犯罪记录
8.+of art, literature, music, film形式;风格;构思

a diversity of form and content形式与内容的多样性

9.(mode of artistic expression)(文艺作品等的)表现形式, 体裁, 模式
11.(organized structure)(艺术品的)构造, 结构

She's in my form.她与我同年级。

See alsosixth form first form second form third form fourth form fifth form
13.(style)(尤指就公认标准而言的)风格, 形式
(manner)(尤指就公认标准而言的)方式, 方法

It's a new form of the sport.这是这项体育活动的新形式。

She didn't like the form in which the questions were written.她不喜欢这些问题的写出方式。

14.(behaviour)(尤指符合礼节或惯例的)行为, 举止, 作风

Leconte showed good form.勒孔特表现得体。

16.(prescribed words)(宗教仪式、法律文件中的)公式化语句
19.(in Plato's philosophy)(柏拉图哲学中的)型相
See alsoForm
20.(in Aristotle's philosophy)(亚里士多德哲学中的)形式
22.(hare nest)野兔窝(或窟)
23.+of organisms分类
24.(appearance of linguistic element)(词语等的)音位形式, 拼写形式
25.(linguistic element)(语言元素与意义相对的)语言形式
27.bad form<英,过时>失礼的行为;不礼貌的举止

It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions.在社交场合谈生意是失礼的行为。

28.in the form of sth
(in the mode of)以…的形式

She is taking lots of exercise in the form of walks or swimming.她在以散步或游泳的方式积极锻炼身体。

They received a benefit in the form of a tax reduction.他们因减税受益。

29.in good form<英>精神状态极佳;健康状况良好

George was in good form that day.那一天乔治状态极佳。

30.off form<英>竞技状态不佳

Any player who is off form is unlikely to be an asset to the side.任何竞技状态不佳的运动员都不太可能成为队里的主力。

31.on form<英>竞技状态良好

Liverpool are on form and playing well.利物浦队竞技状态良好, 踢得很精彩。

32.take form

As plans took form in her mind, she realized the need for an accomplice.计划在她脑海中成形, 她意识到需要找一个同伙。

(becomes visible)具有可见的形状;开始显现

The face of Mrs Lisbon took form in the dimness.在阴暗中里斯本夫人的脸庞渐渐清晰起来。

33.to take the form of sth
(take the shape of)表现为某形式;以某形式出现

Valleys often take the form of deep canyons.山谷时常呈现为纵深的峡谷。

(take the mode of)采取某种形态;采取某种形式

The broadcast took the form of an interview.这个广播节目采用了访谈的形式。

34.true to form一如既往

True to form, she kept her guests waiting for more than 90 minutes.和往常一样, 她让客人们等了90多分钟。

form² /fɔːm/
🄰 vi.
1.(take shape)成形
2.(come into existence)开始存在;产生

A scab had formed on his knee.他的膝盖上结了个痂。

The stars must have formed 10 to 15 billion years ago.这些恒星一定是在100亿至150亿年前形成的。

3.(develop in the mind)在脑海中形成;被想到

An idea formed in his mind.他想到了一个主意。

🄱 vt.
1.(give shape to)使成形;塑造

They formed a circle and sang 'Auld Lang Syne'.他们围成一圈, 唱起了《友谊地久天长》。

2.(bring into existence)+ relationship使产生;使形成

He is wary of forming another close relationship.他唯恐又陷入恋情。


These panels folded up to form a screen some five feet tall.这些镶嵌板折叠后做成了一个约五英尺高的屏风。

4.(construct in the mind)+ impression在脑海中形成;构想出
the impression I'd formed of Jack我对杰克的印象
6.(develop)+ habit养成;形成;染上

He formed the habit of taking long solitary walks.他养成了长时间独自散步的习惯。


the articles that formed the basis of Randolph's book奠定伦道夫著作基础的那些文章

Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world.谷物是世界各地绝大多数人的主食。

8.(set up)+ organization成立;建立

The League was formed in 1959.该联盟成立于1959年。

The leadership broke away to form a separate organization.该领导层分离出去成立了一个独立的机构。

(constitute part of)组成某事物的一部分

Many of the beaches formed part of private estates.其中许多海滩属私人财产。

Phrasal Verbform up




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