

单词 force
释义 force¹ /fɔːs/ n.
1.(physical strength)力;力量
the force of the blow击打力

The force of the explosion shattered the windows.爆炸的冲击力震碎了窗玻璃。

I hit him with all the force I could muster.我使尽全力打他。


We have renounced the use of force to settle our disputes.我们已经声明放弃使用武力来解决我们的争端。

The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations.政府决定不采用武力驱散示威游行。

3.【物】(dynamic influence)
4.【物】(static influence)静力
5.【物】(producing change in physical quantity)
agreement, law +开始施行;开始生效

This agreement came into force on 1 January 1944.这个协议自1944年1月1日起开始生效。

to have the force of law具有法律效力
to join forces会师;联合;合作

African nations last week joined forces to combat cholera.上周非洲国家通力合作抗击霍乱。

to join forces with sb同某人联合;与某人合作

William joined forces with businessman Nicholas Court to launch the new vehicle.威廉与商人尼古拉斯•考特合作推出新车。

7.(influential factor)势力;影响力

Britain is re-establishing itself as a powerful force in world politics.英国正在重新树立自己世界政治强国的地位。

Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.民族主义正迅速成为一股危险的势力。


She erupted with such force it was as if I had been the cause of their split.她骤然暴怒, 就好像是我拆散了他们似的。

Such was the force of her protest that Lambert's wildness drained.她厉声呼喝, 调皮捣蛋的兰伯特逐渐变老实了。

9.(military, police)军事力量;部队;警力

Zlotin was a Colonel with the Russian Special Forces.兹洛京是俄罗斯特种部队的一名上校。

10.(group)(组织起来完成某项工作的)一群人, 队伍

a government task force on broadcasting policy政府广播政策特别工作组

I have a great deal of respect for women in the work force.我非常敬重职业女性。

11.【律】(violence)(刑法中的)暴力, 暴力行为

He pleaded guilty to using criminal force.他承认实施暴力犯罪。

14.by force用武力;凭借暴力;强行

the guerrillas' efforts to seize power by force游击队的武力夺权企图

15.by force of arms凭借军事力量

You cannot keep a nation down by force of arms indefinitely.不能永远靠武力压服一个国家。

16.by force of circumstance迫于情势

Best to have both parents on the register, but sometimes, by force of circumstance, there will only be one.最好父母双方都登记在册, 但是有时候, 由于情况所迫, 将只有一方的名字出现在登记簿上。

17.by force of sth凭借…

its promise to free Kuwait by force of arms其出兵解放科威特的承诺

18.the Force<非正式>警察队伍

It was hard for a police officer to make friends outside the Force.警官很难在警队之外结交到朋友。

19.the forces of evil恶势力
20.from force of habitorthrough force of habitorby force of habit出于习惯

He looked around from force of habit, but nobody paid any attention to him.他习惯性地环顾四周, 没有人注意他。

21.the forces of nature大自然的威力

the protection of mankind against the forces of nature: epidemics, predators, floods, hurricanes保护人类免受流行病、食肉动物、洪水、飓风等自然力的侵袭

a land sculpted by the forces of nature被大自然威力侵蚀的土地

22.in force
(in operation)+ law, rule, system有效;生效;在实施中

No-smoking rules are now in force.禁烟规定现已生效。

(in large numbers)人数众多地;大批地

Voters turned out in force for the elections.大量选民涌来为选举投票。

23.outside forces外力

They believe in outside forces such as luck, fate and chance.他们相信运气、命运与机会之类的外力因素。

force² /fɔːs/ vt.
1.(compel, coerce)+ person, group强迫;迫使

They forced him to open the safe.他们逼他打开保险柜。

A back injury forced her to withdraw from the competition.她背部受伤, 被迫退出比赛。

to force yourself to do sth强迫自己做某事

She forced herself to kiss her mother's cheek.她强迫自己亲吻母亲的面颊。

to force a smile强作笑颜

Joe forced a smile, but underneath he was a little disturbed.乔勉强笑了笑, 但是心底感到一丝不安。

2.(acquire through effort)通过努力获取;强制推行;强力促成

The party wants to force a general election after widespread complaints about the government's reforms.在政府改革广受非议之后, 该政党想要强行举行大选。

to force the pace竭力加快速度

They force the pace of progress forward.他们拼命加快发展的步伐。

3.(push roughly)硬推;粗暴逼迫

He forced the key clumsily into the ignition.他笨拙地把钥匙强行插入点火开关。

They forced David into a small room.他们把戴维逼进一个小房间。

They were forcing her head under the icy waters, drowning her.他们正把她的头强行按入冰冷的水下, 想淹死她。

(into a place)强行闯入某处;奋力进入某处

He forced his way into a house, shouting for help.他奋力闯进一所房子, 高声呼救。

He was trying to force his way into the building.他正奋力进入那幢大楼。

(through a crowd)奋力通过某处;用力挤过某处

The miners were armed with clubs as they forced their way through a police cordon.矿工们手持大头棒强行闯过警戒线。

She had to force her way through the crush.她不得不强行挤过拥挤的人群。

4.(break open)+ lock, safe, door, window撬开;砸开;撞开

They had to force the lock on the trunk.他们不得不撬开行李箱上的锁。

He tried to force the window open but it was jammed shut.他试图用力撞开窗户, 但是窗户却卡死了。


Our government can't even get around to forcing a ban on fox hunting.我们的政府甚至未能强制推行猎狐禁令。

to force sth on sb将…强加于某人;迫使某人接受…

To force this agreement on the nation is wrong.将这个协议强加于该国是错误的。

6.(speed up growth of)+ plant, farm animal(用人工方法)加速…的生长, 催肥

the new season's crop of forced rhubarb人工催熟的新一季大黄收成


If it won't fit, don't force it.如果不合尺寸不要硬往上装。


I would never in this lifetime or the next force a woman like you.我永远都不会像你一样强暴妇女。

9.【牌】+ player逼使…出王牌
10.【牌】+ card要求搭档出
11.【牌】(induce)+ bid要求搭档叫
Phrasal Verbsforce back,force down,force off,force out,force up




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