/ˈfʊtsɪ/ n.<非正式>碰脚调情;挑逗
Their affair began with a game of footsie under a restaurant table.他俩的风流韵事从餐馆桌下的碰脚调情游戏开始。
to play footsie with sb
1.<非正式>(touch feet with)与某人碰脚调情
A colleague started playing footsie with me under the table during coffee breaks.工间喝咖啡休息时, 有位同事开始在桌下与我碰脚调情。
2.<非正式>(work with)与某人暗中勾搭
Eden's game was to play footsie with Chamberlain and Halifax so as to get back into the Cabinet.艾登的计划是暗中勾结张伯伦和哈利法克斯, 以期重新进入内阁。