

单词 flush out
释义 flush out vt. sep.
1.(from hiding place)to flush sb/sth out or to flush out sb/sth
+ people, animals把…驱出;赶走

operations to flush out anti-government rebels驱逐反政府分子的行动

to flush sb/sth out of sth从…赶走…;从…赶出…

They flushed them out of their hiding place.他们把他们从藏身之处赶了出来。

2.(clean using water)to flush sth out or to flush out sth
+ part of body冲洗

an 'alternative' therapy that gently flushes out the colon to remove toxins一种温和冲洗结肠排出毒素的“替代”疗法

Drink plenty of water each day to flush out your system.每天要大量喝水冲洗肠胃。

3.(remove using water)to flush sth out or to flush out sth
+ waste, sewage冲走;冲掉

That won't flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains.那样做虽不能将污物全部冲掉, 但应该能疏通一些散发恶臭的排水管。

Most kidney stones can be broken up and flushed out with an instrument inserted into the urethra.尿道中置入的仪器可将大多数肾结石粉碎并冲走。





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