

单词 flunk out
释义 flunk out
🄰 vi.
(from school, college)(因考试不及格而)被开除, 被除名

Boys are flunking out because the schools don't teach them how to read.学校不教如何阅读导致这些男孩子考试不及格而被除名。

to flunk out of sth因未通过…而被除名;因未通过考试而被…除名

Flunking out of an engineering course, he wound up on a ship in Alaska.由于没有通过一门工程课而被勒令退学, 他最终在阿拉斯加的一条船上干活。

I flunked out of uni and went to work in a pub.我因考试不及格被大学开除后就到一间酒吧上班了。

🄱 vt. sep.
(fail)to flunk sb out or to flunk out sb(因考试不及格而)开除, 使退学

Go ahead and flunk me out.干脆开除我得了。

to flunk sb out of sth(因考试不及格而)使某人从…退出

The physics professor was pushing hard to flunk me out of college.这个物理教授极力想把我开除出学校。

Are you going to flunk me out of the course?你想让我退出这门课程吗?





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