

单词 flirt
释义 flirt¹ /flɜːt/
🄰 vi.
1.(with person)调情;逢场作戏;调戏

He flirts outrageously.他公然调起情来。

to flirt with sb与某人调情

She's been flirting with him all evening.她整晚都在和他打情骂俏。

2.(think casually about)不认真考虑;有…的念头
to flirt with sth不认真考虑某物

Di Pietro, 45, has been flirting with the idea of a political career.45岁的迪彼得罗一直有从政的念头。

They flirted with the idea of making records throughout the 1980s.他们曾想过在整个20世纪80年代不停地出唱片。

3.(expose yourself to)轻视;忽视;玩火
to flirt with sth对某事不重视;轻率做某事

When he made the investments, people said he was flirting with financial ruin.他投资时, 人们都说他没有充分估计到经济可能遭受损失。

4.(move jerkily)冲过;急速飞过;快速走过

a dragonfly flirting among the reed beds快速掠过芦苇地的蜻蜓

🄱 vt.

The horse flirted its tail and trotted off.那匹马尾巴一甩跑开了。

flirt² /flɜːt/ n.

She's a terrible flirt.她一点都不会调情。





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