

单词 flight
释义 flight¹ /flaɪt/ n.
1.(air journey)飞行;航班

The flight will take four hours.这次飞行要花4个小时。

Our flight was cancelled at the last minute.我们的航班在最后一刻取消了。

a flight to …飞往…的航班

I had an hour to wait for my flight to New York.我还要等一个小时才能登上飞往纽约的班机。

We booked a flight to Canada.我们预定了前往加拿大的航班。

2.(flying; by plane)搭机飞行;飞行技巧;飞行方式

Supersonic flight is expensive.搭乘超音速飞机很贵。

3.(flying; by bird)飞翔;飞行

They have lost the power of flight.它们已经失去了飞行能力。

These hawks are magnificent in flight.这些鹰很擅长飞行。

4.【航空】(flying group; of planes)机群

The noise came from a flight of military aircraft passing low overhead.噪音来自上方一群低空飞行的军用飞机。

5.【动】(flying group; of birds)飞鸟群

A flight of green parrots shot out of the cedar forest.一群绿鹦鹉从雪松林中疾速飞出。

6.(air force unit)空军小队
7.(act of fleeing)逃跑;逃亡

They took elaborate precautions to prevent their flight from being discovered.他们做了精心防范, 以防逃跑时被人发现。

flight from sth从…的逃离

Many people came to this country in desperate flight from wars or famines.许多人不顾一切逃避战争或饥荒, 来到该国。

her hurried flight from the palace in a cart她坐着马车匆匆逃离王宫


The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends' houses.这家人常常东躲西藏, 在朋友家里避风头。

8.(moving money)(资本的)外逃, 抽逃
the flight of capital资本外逃;资本抽逃
9.<文>(rapid movement)飞逝;疾驰

to stop time in its flight争分夺秒

10.【建】(set of steps)梯段

at the bottom of a flight of stone steps在一段石阶的底部

a flight of stairs一段楼梯

She sounded as though she had just run up two flights of stairs.她的声音听起来就好像刚跑上两段楼梯似的。

two flights up在两段楼梯之上

He lives two flights up.他住的地方要上两段楼梯。

11.【体】(line of hurdles)(跨栏项目的)一组栏架
12.(series of locks)(一段运河上的)多级船闸
13.=flight feather
14.【体】(on arrow or dart)镖尾;箭尾
15.【射箭】(distance covered by arrow)(箭的)射程
16.【板】(movement given to ball etc)(球的)飞行
17.【渔】(device on lure)(钓鱼用拟饵上的)旋转亮片
18.(area where birds may fly)(鸟舍周围封闭的)飞行区域
19.【文学】(mental journey)(思想的)焕发, 迸发

Shelley in some of his flights seems to lose all contact with the ground.雪莱在想象力迸发时好像完全脱离了尘世。

20.flight of fancy想入非非;异想天开

A flight of fancy perhaps, but it's ideas like this that lead to change.这样的想法或许是异想天开, 但正是它们导致了变革。

Cockburn engaged in a flight of fancy, never once allowing facts to get in the way.科伯恩一直想入非非, 从不曾考虑现实状况。

21.put to flight赶走;击退

The infantry pressed home their attack, putting the enemy to flight.步兵部队死攻到底, 打得敌人溃不成军。

22.take flight
bird +起飞;飞走

I accidentally stepped on a twig, causing the birds to take flight.我无意中踩到了一根小树枝, 把鸟群惊飞了。

person +躲避;逃避

He was told of the raid and decided to take flight immediately.他得知要突击搜捕, 决定立即逃跑。

flight² /flaɪt/
🄰 vt.
1.【体】(cause to float through the air)+ dart射出;+ ball掷出
2.(shoot in flight)射杀(飞鸟)
3.(fledge)+ arrow, dart给…的尾部装上羽毛
🄱 vi.
wild fowl +成群飞行




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