

单词 flare
释义 flare¹ /fleə/ n.
1.(burst of flame)(突然的)闪光
the flare of a match火柴的闪光
2.【海,军】(device producing light)照明弹;曳光弹

a ship which had fired a distress flare发射了遇险信号弹的一艘轮船

the stark landscape brightly illuminated by the flare被照明弹照得明晃晃的荒凉地貌

3.(in skirt, trousers)裙(或裤)的喇叭口部分;有喇叭口的裙(或裤)
4.(sudden outburst)(情感的)迸发, 爆发
a flare of temper勃然大怒
5.【光】(unwanted light in an optical device)光斑
6.【光】(fogged area on negative)翳雾斑
7.【航空】(phase during landing)拉平, 平飞(飞机着陆前的飞行动作)
8.【矿】(flame at oil well)(油井用于烧掉尾气的)火炬
flare² /fleə/
🄰 vi.
1.(shed bright light)fire, flame +(火焰)忽明忽暗, 突然烧旺

Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.营火突然熊熊燃烧起来, 就像黑暗中的灯塔。

The torch in his left hand spluttered and flared, making it difficult to see his face clearly.他左手里的火把噼啪作响、明暗不定, 很难看清楚他的脸。

2.(show itself suddenly)突然显现

Unexpected panic flared within her.她内心突然产生了意想不到的恐慌。

Exasperation flared in his eyes.他的目光中燃烧着怒火。

3.(begin suddenly)trouble, violence, conflict +突然爆发

Violence flared when groups of rival supporters met in the city centre.对立双方的支持者在市中心遭遇时, 发生了暴力冲突。

4.【医】(become a problem)illness, injury +突发;复发

Mrs C. had chronic back problems that flared every few months.C夫人有慢性脊背损伤, 每隔几个月就复发一次。

5.(go from a narrow to a wider shape)nostrils +张开;dress, trousers +呈喇叭形展开

I turned to Jackie, my nostrils flaring in disgust.我转过身厌恶地看着杰姬, 鼻翼呼呼地翕动着。

a simple black dress, cut to flare from the hips一条简洁的黑裙, 裁剪成从胯部向外呈喇叭形展开的式样

6.【冶】(show characteristic flame)molten metal +闪光
🄱 vt.
1.(cause to widen out)+ nostrils使张开;+ dress, skirt使呈喇叭形展开

He stuck out his tongue and flared his nostrils.他伸出舌头, 鼻翼扇动着。

The designer decided to flare the skirt from the hips.设计师决定把裙子从胯部往下呈喇叭形展开。

2.【冶】(heat to flaming point)+ molten metal将…加热至闪光
Phrasal Verbsflare out,flare up




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