

单词 fixed
释义 fixed /fɪkst/ adj.
1.(set)+ price, charge, rate, time固定的;不变的;+ number确定的

fixed interest rates固定利率

Tickets will be printed with fixed entry times.票上将印有固定的入场时间。

They issue a fixed number of shares that trade publicly.他们发行了一定数量的可公开交易股票。

at a fixed price价格固定地
at a fixed time在固定时间
2.(inflexible)+ idea, opinion顽固的;一成不变的

My parents have very fixed ideas.我父母的思想很顽固。

3.(artificial)+ smile, grin僵硬的;不自然的

I had to go through the rest of the evening with a fixed smile on my face.那天晚上剩下的时间里, 我只好脸上挂着一副僵硬的笑容。


There were some fixed bookcases.那里有一些固定书架。

5.(illegally arranged)串通的;被操纵的

The match was definitely fixed.那场比赛绝对是受操纵的。

6.【化】(held in chemical combination)(元素)已形成化合物的
8.how are you fixed for … ?<非正式>(in a particular state)你在…方面状况如何?

How are you fixed for money?你的资金状况如何?

9.no fixed abodeorno fixed address<正式>无固定居所;居无定所

They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address.因为居无定所, 他们连求职面试的机会都得不到。





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