

单词 first
释义 first¹ /fɜːst/ adj.
1.(coming before second)第一的

Gauguin's paintings of the first voyage to Tahiti高更描绘第一次塔希提岛之旅的一些画作

It was his first win of the season.这是他本赛季第一次获胜。

2.+ gear一挡的
first² /fɜːst/ determiner
1.(happening before all others)第一次的;首次的;首位的
the first time第一次

I remember the first time we met.我记得我们初次相遇的情景。

For the first time in my life I felt truly scared.我平生第一次真正地感到害怕。

2.(happening at the beginning)(与后面发生的事情形成对照)最早的, 首先的, 最初的

She lost 16 pounds in the first month of her diet.她节食的头一个月就减了16磅。

My first reaction was one of horror.我第一反应就是恐惧。

3.(nearest)(一列中)最前面的, 离自己最近的

We had seats in the first row.我们在第一排有座位。

It's the first house you come to.这是你最先去的房子。

4.(indicating importance)(在重要性方面)首要的, 头等的

The first duty of any government must be to protect the interests of the taxpayers.任何政府的首要职责都是保护纳税人的利益。

5.(in game, competition)第一名的;第一位的
to be in first place位居第一名
to win first prize赢得一等奖
6.(in job hierarchy)(工作或职位的头衔中)最高的

He was first mate on a British tanker.他曾是一艘英国油轮的大副。

He was appointed First Minister of the new Scottish Parliament.他被任命为苏格兰新议会的首相。

7.+ gear一挡的

Put the car into first gear when you start.启动时车挂一挡。

8.【音】+ part第一声部的;高声部的
9.(indicating instrument playing highest part)演奏高音部的;唱高声部的
the first violins演奏高音部的小提琴
10.(indicating principal player in orchestra)(管弦乐队)首席演奏的, 领唱的

She was first violin with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.她是悉尼交响乐团的首席小提琴手。

11.at first hand直接地;第一手地

We witnessed the shooting at first hand.我们亲眼目睹了枪击。

12.first thing第一件事;一大早;一醒来;一上班

first thing on Monday morning周一早晨的第一件事情

13.first things first!最重要的先做;最要紧的先处理

First things first. Pay the victims now.先处理重要的事。现在要赔偿罹难者。

14.in the first instance<英,正式>首先;最初

If you have any complaints, you should write to the manager in the first instance.如有任何意见, 你首先应该给经理写信。

15.not to know the first thing about sth对…一无所知;对…毫不知晓

We didn't know the first thing about running a restaurant.我们对经营饭店一无所知。

first³ /fɜːst/ adv.
1.(before anything or anyone else)首先;最先

Ralph spoke first.拉尔夫首先发言。

I want to get a job, but first I have to pass my exams.我想找份工作, 但得先通过考试。

head first头在前;头朝下
feet first脚在前;脚先入(水)
2.(for the first time)第一次;首次

They first met at university.他们初次见面是在大学里。

3.(referring to what happens in early part of experience)最初;开始

When I first heard the news I was shocked.刚听到这个消息时, 我很震惊。

4.(when listing points)(用于列举条目)第一, 首先

There were several reasons for this. First, inflation was high.这件事有若干原因。第一, 通货膨胀率高。

5.<文>(emphasizing a preference)宁愿;宁可;倒不如

They will not make me betray you. I'll kill myself first.他们没法让我背叛你。我宁可自杀。

6.to come first
(in a race)(比赛、赛跑中)取得第一名

Johnson came first in the one hundred metres.约翰逊在百米赛跑中获得第一名。

(be most important)居于首要地位;占据头等位置

There's no time for boyfriends: my career comes first.我没时间交男朋友:事业为先。

7.first and foremostSeeforemost
8.first come first served先到先接待;先到先供应;按先来后到对待

Tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis.购票按顺序, 先到先得。

9.first of all<口>第一;首先

First of all, I would like to thank my colleagues.首先, 我要感谢我的同事。

10.first off<非正式>第一;首先

First off, it's significant that he was alone.首先, 很重要的一点是他独自一人。

11.to put sth/sb first优先考虑…;优先关注…

I always put my children first.我总是优先考虑我的孩子们。

first⁴ /fɜːst/ n.
1.the first
to be the first to do sth是做某事的第一人

He was the first to film them.他是将它们拍成电影的第一人。

2.(unprecedented event)首次出现的事物;首例

It's a cinematic first.它是电影界的新开端。

to be a first for sb对…来说是前所未有的事情

The meeting was a first for the company.对公司来说, 这次会议史无前例。

3.<英>(educational qualification)一级荣誉学位
4.the first
on the first of August在八月一号
6.at first起先;最初

At first, he seemed surprised by my questions.起初, 他似乎对我的问题感到惊讶。

7.from the first从头;从一开始;自始

I thought from the first that she was a little unsure about that marriage.我起初以为她对这桩婚姻有点没把握。

from the very first从最初开始

first⁵ /fɜːst/ pron.
1.(happening first)第一个人(或事物)

This is the first of a series of lectures on contemporary drama.这是当代戏剧系列讲座的第一场。

2.the first
(the first time)第一次;首次

The first I heard of it was when she phoned me.她给我打电话的时候我才第一次听说这件事。





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