

单词 find
释义 find¹ /faɪnd/ vt.(finds,finding,found)
1.(discover by searching)(通过搜寻)找到, 发现

I can't find the shampoo.我找不到洗发香波了。

His body has not been found.还没有找到他的尸体。

The police found the pistol hidden in the lavatory cistern.警察找到了藏在厕所水箱里的手枪。

So far they have not found a way to fight the virus.迄今为止, 他们尚未找到战胜这种病毒的途径。

2.(recover by searching)+ lost object, person找回;寻找到

He eventually found the book under his bed.他最后在床底下找到了那本书。

I found the certificate under a pile of other papers.我在一堆其他文件下面找到了证书。

Did you find your pen?你找到钢笔了吗?

3.(discover without searching)(意外)发现, 碰见

I found this while I was looking in the attic for an old suitcase.我在阁楼里找一个旧衣箱时发现了这个。

He says he didn't steal the watch, he found it.他说他没有偷这块手表, 表是他捡的。

Look what I've found!瞧, 我发现了什么!

4.(get)+ work, job找到;获得;+ answer, solution得到;找出

He cannot find work.他找不到工作。

Paul spent six months looking for a job and eventually found one with a firm of signwriters.保罗花了6个月找工作, 最终在一家标牌制作公司找到了一份工作。

There is a genuine effort to find a solution.为找到解决方案而付出了真正的努力。

to find sb sthorto find sth for sb为某人找到某事物

We have to find him a job.我们得给他找份工作。

Try and find yourselves a seat.大家自己找个座位坐吧。

Let me find you a pen and some paper to write on.让我给你找支笔和写字的纸。

to find the money for sth为…筹措资金;设法获得…的钱

Some families cannot even find enough money for basic needs.一些家庭甚至连基本生活费都找不来。

My sister helped me find the money for a private operation.我姐姐帮我筹措到自费手术的钱。

to find room for sth/sb为某人/某物找到空间

We'll try to find room for the chairs in our attic.我们会想办法在阁楼里找到放这些椅子的地方。

to find time to do sthorto find the time to do sth找到时间做某事;挤出时间做某事

How do you find time to write these books?你是怎样挤出时间写这些书的呢?

He was too busy to come and see us, but he found the time to go round to Claire's.他忙得没有时间来看我们, 但却挤出了时间去克莱尔家做客。

5.(ascertain that something is the case)发现;发觉;意识到
to find (that) …发现…;发觉…;意识到…

The two biologists found, to their surprise, that both groups of birds survived equally well.两位生物学家惊奇地发现, 两个鸟群都很好地生存了下来。

When I woke up, I found I couldn't move my legs.我醒来时发现腿动不了了。

She returned home to find her house ransacked.她回到家时发现自己的房子遭到了洗劫。

only to find that(结果)却发现;只发现

Sue arrived at eleven-thirty, only to find that everyone had gone.休11点30分赶到, 结果却发现人们都走了。

to find sth easy觉得…容易

I found the work relatively easy.我觉得这工作相对比较容易。

Sarah finds it all too easy to lose focus.萨拉发现太容易分散注意力了。

to find sth difficult/hard觉得…难

Why does he find apologizing so difficult?他为什么觉得道歉这么难呢?

Mark found management more difficult than he had imagined.马克觉得管理工作比自己之前想象的要难。

to find it difficult/hard to do sth觉得做某事难

He found it hard to make friends.他发现难以交到朋友。

to find sth/sb (to be) sth认为(或发现)某人/某事物(是)…

But you'd find him a good worker if you showed him what to do.但是你会发现, 只要你告诉他做什么, 他就会做得很出色。

I have always found Mr Persimmon to be thoroughly reliable.我一直认为珀西蒙先生十分可靠。

to find sth/sb (to be) sth认为某人/某事物(是)…

I know Dora finds him very annoying.我知道多拉认为他非常讨人厌。

I find most of the young men of my own age so boring.我发现与我同龄的大多数年轻人都很无聊。

I find this wine a little sour.我觉得这葡萄酒有点儿酸。

We're sure you'll find it exciting!我们相信你会觉得这非常刺激!

I find it ludicrous that nothing has been done to protect passengers from fire.我觉得没有任何措施保护乘客免受火灾是件很荒唐的事情。

to find sth funny认为(或觉得)某事物有趣

I don't find that funny at all.我觉得那一点儿也不好笑。

to find sth a problem发现(或意识到)某事物有问题

I never found his attitude a problem, though he is quite single-minded.尽管他相当固执, 但我过去从未觉得他的态度有问题。

I've never found my diet a problem.我从未意识到自己的饮食有问题。


How could anyone find pleasure in hunting and killing this beautiful creature?怎么会有人从猎杀这种美丽的生物中感到快乐呢?

Sarah finds great satisfaction in her work.莎拉从工作中得到了巨大的满足。

to find sth to be sth对…作出…判决(或裁决)

The committee found these claims to be unsubstantiated.该委员会裁定这些索赔缺乏事实依据。

to find sb guilty判决某人有罪

She was found guilty of manslaughter.她被判犯有过失杀人罪。

to find sb not guilty判决某人无罪

When they found us not guilty, I just felt so relieved.他们宣布我们无罪时, 我感到如释重负。

9.(indicating location or situation)处于某位置(或某情形中)

Daybreak found us still far from land.黎明时分, 我们离陆地尚远。

to find yourself doing sth自己在做某事

I found myself starting to laugh.我不知不觉大笑起来。

I found myself having more fun than I had had in years.此刻, 我自己比以往数年都玩得开心。

to find yourself unable to do sth发现自己做不了某事;发现自己对某事无能为力

But three months later, I still found myself unable to say his name without bursting into tears.但三个月了, 我依然是一说到他的名字就会泪流满面。

He found himself unable to think or speak.他发现自己既不能思考也不能说话。

10.(indicating presence)存在于;处于
plant, animal, substance +存在于…中;在…中被发现

Fibre is found in cereal foods, beans, fruit and vegetables.谷类食物、豆子、水果和蔬菜中都含有纤维。

Many exotic species are found there.那里有很多外来物种。

11.(strike accurately)+ mark, target击中;打中

The arrow found its mark.箭击中了靶子。

The gunners found their target at the fourth attempt.炮手在第四次发射时击中了目标。


You'll have to find board and lodging for yourself.食宿自理。

13.find your feet适应(或习惯)新环境

It took her a while to find her feet in her new job.她过了一段时间才适应了新工作。

Everything probably seems strange now, but you'll soon find your feet.现在一切看起来可能都是陌生的, 但你很快就会适应。

14.finds its/their way(尤指偶然)去, 到(某处)

It is one of the very few Michelangelos that have found their way out of Italy.这是极少数流出意大利的米开朗琪罗作品之一。

The most unlikely objects found their way into his designs.那些最不可能的东西出现在他的设计中。

15.find yourself发现自我

Charles began writing as a way of trying to find himself.查尔斯开始写作, 以试图发现自我。

16.find your way
(not get lost)找到正确的路;不迷路

He was an expert at finding his way, even in strange surroundings.他是识路高手, 即便在陌生环境里也不会迷路。

Will you be able to find your way in the dark?你能在黑暗中找到路吗?

to find your way to sth找到去…的路;到达…

After a while I pulled myself to my feet and found my way to the street.过了一会儿我站起身来, 走到了大街上。

Sarah found her way to the hotel all right, but she couldn't then find her way back home.萨拉顺利地来到饭店, 可是后来却找不到回家的路了。

Phrasal Verbsfind against,find for,find out,find out about
find² /faɪnd/ n.

They've got a new singer, and she's a real find.他们找到一个新歌手, 她非常有才华。

the botanical find of the century本世纪的重大植物学发现

Another of his lucky finds was a pair of candle-holders.他的另一个幸运发现是一对烛台。





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