单词 | fill |
释义 | fill¹ 🄰 vt. 1.(make full)+ bag, bucket, container使充满;把…装满 Can you fill a bucket of water, please?请装满一桶水好吗? She made sandwiches, filled a flask and put sugar in.她做了三明治, 把保温瓶灌满水, 并在里面放了糖。 People must fill their time profitably.人们必须用有意义的事情充实自己的生活。 to fill sth with sth把…填满… She filled the glass with water.她往杯子里倒满了水。 The big windows fill the room with light.几扇大窗户让房间充满了阳光。 2.【烹】(put a filling into)+ pastry case, roll往…里填馅 What should I use to fill the sandwiches?我该往这些三明治里夹些什么呢? to fill sth with sth用…填… Daphne filled the vol-au-vents with a mixture of smoked haddock, cream, and spinach.达夫妮用熏鳕鱼、奶油和菠菜拌起来作酥皮馅饼的馅儿。 3.(occupy)+ room, hall, street挤满;占满 He cast his eyes at the rows of cabinets that filled the enormous work area.他扫了一眼占满了巨大工作区的一排排柜子。 Enthusiastic crowds filled the streets.大街上到处都是热情高涨的人群。 In the parking lot of the school, the siren filled the air.警笛声响彻学校的停车场。 to be filled with sb/sth充满… The air was filled with the hum of insects.空中到处都是昆虫的嗡嗡声。 The streets were filled with happy shoppers.大街上到处都是快乐的购物者。 4.(cause to feel strongly)使强烈感受到 to fill sb with sth使某人充满某种感情 I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity.我敬佩父亲, 他的工作让我既敬畏又好奇。 to be filled with sth充满某种感情 He was filled with pride at his creation.他对自己的创作倍感自豪。 She was filled with anger.她满腔怒火。 5.(plug)+ gap, hole堵住;填补;+ tooth补 Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour.填补小洞要用颜色匹配的木材填料。 It is almost impossible to find a dentist who will fill a tooth on the National Health.要找到一个愿意按照国民医疗服务体系提供免费补牙的牙医几乎是不可能的。 to have a tooth filled补牙 I needed to have two teeth filled.我需要补两颗牙。 to fill a gap in sth填补…的空白 a sense of fun and gaiety that filled a gap in his life弥补他人生中不足的风趣与快乐 6.【商】(appoint someone to)+ vacancy填补 The company has been unable to fill the vacancy.该公司没能把这个空缺填补起来。 7.(hold and perform duties of)担任 The remaining 37,000 posts were filled by Africans.剩下的3.7万个职位由非洲人担任。 I was asked to fill the role of escort.我应邀来做陪同。 8.(satisfy)+ need, requirement满足 I thought I had filled the requirements of my job description.我觉得自己达到了所在岗位的职责要求。 9.【海】(swell with wind)使(帆)迎风 10.【建】(build up)填高 11.(bulk out)掺杂 12.【牌】(complete a hand)凑成(满贯牌) 13.<美,加拿大>(put together the materials for)+ prescription, order按…配药;按…供货 A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.如根据自己的判断认为处方有效, 药剂师就能给任何药方配药。 The company is on schedule to fill an order for another 10,000 doses.该公司正按照订单供应另外1万剂药品。 🄱 vi. 1.(become full)bucket, bath, tank +被充满;被填满 While the bath was filling, he phoned his mother.在往浴缸里放水时, 他给母亲打了个电话。 The hall filled quickly.大厅里很快就挤满了人。 to fill with sth充满… The victims' lungs fill quickly with fluid.受害者的肺里很快积满了液体。 The auditorium soon filled with eager concert-goers.礼堂里很快就挤满了热切的音乐会常客。 His eyes filled with tears.他的眼里饱含泪水。 2.【海】(swell with wind)sail +迎风 Phrasal Verbsfill away,fill in,fill out,fill up fill² 1.【建】(ground-levelling material)装填物;填方;填土 2.(amount needed to fill something)足以填满的量 He wanted a fill of tobacco for his pipe.他想给他的烟斗加一斗烟。 3.【音】(improvisation)即席(或临时)插入的乐段 4.your fill填满…的量;足够…的量 There should have been enough food to give all 600 guests their fill.本应该有足够食物让600位客人都吃饱的。 I was able to sit down in front of this magnificent picture and look my fill.我得以坐在这幅壮美的画作前大饱眼福。 to eat your fill吃个饱 The guests had already eaten their fill, but more dishes were being brought to the table.虽然客人们早就吃饱了, 但饭菜还在源源不断地端上餐桌。 When everyone had eaten and drunk their fill, the serious portion of the evening began.当晚, 每个人吃饱喝足后开始谈正事。 5.to have had your fill of sth对某事受够了;厌烦(或腻烦)了某事 We feel that we have had our fill of disappointments and emotional upsets.我们觉得自己已经历太多的失望和苦恼。 She had had her fill of this vapid kind of life.她厌烦了这种索然无味的生活。 |
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