

单词 fight
释义 fight¹ /faɪt/ n.

There were sometimes fights between the workers.有时候会发生工人互殴事件。

The man was obviously looking for a fight.这个男人显然是想找人打架。

to have a fight打架

Two boys were having a fight in the playground.两个男孩在操场上打了起来。

to have a fight with sb和某人打架

He had had a fight with Smith.他和史密斯打过一架。

a fight between sb and sb某人和某人打架

a fight between two rival gangs两个对立帮派之间的斗殴


The fight goes on until we achieve justice for all.我们会一直奋斗, 直至正义降临每一个人。

a fight against sth对抗某事的努力

the fight against drug abuse/crime/injustice打击吸毒/犯罪的努力;消除不公的努力

a fight for sth争取某事的努力

the fight for power between the two parties两党互争政权的努力

I too am committing myself to continue the fight for human rights in this country.我本人也保证继续为本国的人权事业而奋斗。

3.【拳】(boxing match)拳击比赛

Watch the big fight live on Channel 1 tonight.请收看第一频道今晚现场直播的拳击大赛。


Their fights seldom lasted long, and after every fight they quickly made up.他们之间的争吵很少持续太久, 而且每次吵完很快就会和好。

to have a fight吵架

We had a fight last night. That's why he's not speaking to me.我们昨晚吵了一架。就是因为这个他现在不跟我讲话。

to have a fight with sb和某人吵架

I had a terrible fight with my mother last week.我上周和母亲大吵了一架。

5.(pugnacity, fighting spirit)战斗力;斗志

There was no fight left in him. He was a beaten man.他斗志全无, 成了一个颓废的男人。

to show fight表示要反击;表示不服

The plucky underdogs showed plenty of fight and never gave up.勇气十足的失败者表示要进行反击, 绝不放弃。

6.to put up a fight反击;抵抗

The rebel forces put up a fight, and government troops took heavy casualties.叛军发起反击, 政府军伤亡惨重。

The workers didn't put up much of a fight when the company decided to close the factory down.公司决定要关闭工厂, 工人们也并没怎么进行反对。

fight² /faɪt/(fights,fighting,fought)
🄰 vt.
1.(oppose in physical combat)+ person与…战斗;与…打仗;与…搏斗;与…打架

I fought him, and I won.我和他打了一架, 我赢了。

My father did leave his university to fight the Germans.我父亲确实离开大学去打德国人了。

to fight sb for sth为了某物和某人打架(或打仗)

He wrenched the crutch from Jacob, who didn't fight him for it.他猛地抢走了雅各布的拐杖, 而雅各布并没有为此跟他争夺。

The Sioux fought other tribes for territorial rights.苏人为了领地权与其他部落作战。

2.(engage in)进行(战斗);打(仗)
to fight a battle打仗

He had the men and equipment to fight the battle on equal terms.他拥有的士兵和装备使他能够和敌军势均力敌。

to fight a battle over sth为某物而打仗

The two men fought a battle over land and water rights.两人为土地和水的使用权打了起来。

to fight a battle with sb和某人打仗

Police fought a gun battle with the gang.警方与匪帮展开了枪战。

to fight your own battles自力更生

Mr Jones decided that his son was old enough now to fight his own battles.琼斯先生认定儿子现已到了自力更生的年纪。

to fight a campaign开展运动

Villagers fought a long campaign against the airport extension.村民为反对机场扩建进行了一场旷日持久的运动。

to fight a case【律】打官司;进行诉讼

The legal cost would have been prohibitively high if we had fought this case.如果我们打了这场官司, 诉讼费会高得惊人。

The newspaper is fighting a damages action brought by the actress.女演员对这家报纸提起赔偿诉讼, 该报正在打这个官司。

party, politician +参加竞选

The former party treasurer helped raise almost £40 million to fight the election.为赢得竞选, 该党前司库帮助募集了约4,000万英镑。

3.(struggle against)+ person和…争吵;+ organization反对;+ cancer攻克;+ alcoholism, poverty, injustice对抗

Gwendolen started fighting her teachers.格温德琳开始和老师争论起来。

She devoted her life to fighting poverty/injustice.她将自己的生命投入到消除贫困/不公的事业之中。

The doctors tried to fight the disease.医生试图攻克这一疾病。

He fought the urge to smoke.他努力控制想要吸烟的冲动。

4.(try to extinguish)+ fire防控(火灾);扑灭(大火)

More units to fight forest fires are planned.计划设立更多机构防控森林火灾。

5.【体】(box against)+ opponent和…进行拳击比赛

He's fighting him for the title.他正在和他进行拳击比赛, 争夺这一头衔。

6.(achieve by fighting)闯出, 挤出, 努力辟出(一条路)
to fight your way挤到某地

I fought my way into a carriage just before the doors closed.我刚挤进车厢, 车门就关上了。

She fought her way through the undergrowth.她艰难地穿过了矮树丛。

🄱 vi.

The rival militias have been fighting for more than two years.敌对的民兵组织已经打了两年多的仗。

I refuse to act that way when my kids fight.我的孩子们打起来时, 我是不会那么做的。

to fight with sb与某人打架

As a child she fought with her younger sister.她小时候和妹妹打过架。

2.(serve as soldier)参战;作战;打仗

They fought in North Africa during World War II.二战时他们在北非作战。

I would sooner go to prison than fight for this country.我宁愿坐牢也不愿为这个国家打仗。

to fight against sth努力反对某事

I've spent a lifetime fighting against racism.我毕生致力于反对种族主义的斗争。

to fight for sth为某事而奋斗

Lee had to fight hard for his place on the expedition.李不得不为在探险队求得一席之地而苦苦争取。

to fight to do sth努力做某事

Sarah fought to clear her name.萨拉竭力要洗清自己的名声。


I wish Mummy and Daddy didn't fight so often.我希望爸爸和妈妈不要这么老吵架。

to fight about sth为某事争吵

Mostly, they fight about paying bills.他们通常会为付账发生争执。

to fight with sb与某人争吵

She was always fighting with him, mostly about things that didn't matter a damn.她总是和他争论, 多是为了微不足道的小事。


In a few hours' time one of the world's most famous boxers will be fighting in Britain for the first time.几小时后, 世界最著名的拳击手之一将上演其在英国的处女秀。

6.to be fighting a losing battle打一场没有胜算的仗

When I saw the expression on Alice's face, I knew I was fighting a losing battle in attempting to change her mind.我看到艾丽斯脸上的表情, 就明白了我让她改变心意的努力肯定会付诸东流。

7.to fight for breath呼吸困难;上气不接下气

Every time he had to climb the stairs, he was fighting for breath when he reached the top.他每次爬楼梯爬到顶时都会上气不接下气。

8.to fight for your life与死亡作斗争;奋力求生

He is still fighting for his life in hospital.他仍在医院与死神搏斗。

9.to fight it out
(with fists, weapons)奋战到底;决一胜负

Instead of retaliating, he walks away, leaving his team-mates to fight it out.他没有还击, 而是离开了, 留下他的队友们去决一胜负。

(through arguments etc)争论到底

They are set to fight it out in the courts.他们做好准备要在法庭上争到底。

He wants to let the extremists in both camps fight it out among themselves.他要让双方阵营中的极端主义分子相互争论到底。

10.to fight shy of sth逃避某事;避开某事

The company had hitherto fought shy of partnerships with foreign firms.这家公司至今避免和外国公司合伙。

He fought shy of actually committing himself to undertake the work.他没有答应承担这项工作。

Phrasal Verbsfight back,fight down,fight off,fight on




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