

单词 feet
释义 feet /fiːt/ npl.
2.to be at your feet拜倒在某人脚下;臣服于某人

For the short time that she was to stay in Paris, he recalled, the whole world was at Catherine's feet.他回忆说, 凯瑟琳在巴黎短暂停留期间, 全世界都为之倾倒。

With Hollywood at his feet, Soderbergh was free to do whatever he wanted.好莱坞已彻底被索德伯格征服, 因此他可以随心所欲做任何事情。

3.to be run off your feetorto be rushed off your feet忙得不可开交

Business is booming and he's rushed off his feet生意很红火, 他忙得脚不沾地。

4.to get your feet wet<美,非正式>初次尝试;找感觉

The 22-year-old hurdler got her feet wet at the 2000 Games.这位22岁的跨栏选手在2000年的奥运会上初次登场。

I'd like to do a number of internationals to get my feet wet again.我想打几场国际比赛找回感觉。

5.to have feet of clay<文>(指被敬仰的人物)有不为人知的弱点

Now Mr Blair has shown he has feet of clay.从布莱尔先生的表现可以看出他也有弱点。

6.to have your feet on the ground<褒>脚踏实地

Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground.凯文总是头脑冷静, 脚踏实地。

7.to keep your feet on the ground<褒>保持脚踏实地的态度

In that respect he needs to keep his feet on the ground and not get carried away.在这方面他需要保持脚踏实地的态度, 不能忘乎所以。

8.on your feet

Everyone was on their feet applauding wildly.每个人都站起身来, 热烈地鼓掌。

(in good health)恢复健康;康复

It had been a nasty scare but Peter was on his feet again within days of his release from St Paul's.彼得这场病很吓人, 不过他从圣保罗医院出院没几天就恢复了健康。

(recovered from difficulties)恢复;好转;走出低谷

Silicon Valley is getting back on its feet.硅谷正在重整旗鼓、走出困境。

9.to put your feet up(尤指架起双脚)歇歇脚, 小憩, 放松

After supper he'd put his feet up and read. It was a pleasant prospect.晚饭后他会支起双腿, 歇一歇, 看看书。那真是件很惬意的事情。

10.to stand on your own feetorto stand on your own two feet自谋生路;自食其力

My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.我父亲不在乎我和谁结婚, 只要我能自食其力、不靠丈夫养活就行。

11.to sweep sb off their feet使某人一见倾心

A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he swept her off her feet and serenaded her.一名顶级雷盖歌手为一个年轻歌迷唱了支情歌, 一下子让她芳心大动、神魂颠倒。





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