单词 | feather |
释义 | feather¹ 1.+of bird羽(毛) The long tail feathers are a dark rich blue.长长的尾羽呈浓重的深蓝色。 an ostrich feather鸵鸟羽毛 a hat that she had trimmed herself with black ostrich feathers她自己动手用黑色鸵鸟羽毛装饰的帽子 a tail feather尾羽 2.(similar in shape)羽毛状物 3.【射箭】(fitted to arrow)(装在箭尾的)箭羽, 箭翎 4.【射箭】(end of arrow)(装有箭羽的)箭尾 5.【木工】(in carpentry)(企口榫的)榫头;木榫(牙) 6.【海】(from submarine)(潜艇潜望镜在水面形成的)羽状回波 7.【体】平桨 8.【舞】羽步(指交际舞的并肩舞步) 9.as light as a feather (object)(与同类事物相比)极轻的, 像羽毛一样轻的 It's only 9cm by 5cm and as light as a feather.它只有9厘米长、5厘米宽, 像羽毛一样轻。 (person)修长轻盈的;心情愉快的 10.birds of a feather志趣相投的人 She and my mother were birds of a feather.她和我母亲是一个类型的人。 11.a feather in your cap令人自豪的成就;值得夸耀的事 Your promotion is a feather in your cap.被提拔是你的荣耀。 12.in fine feather<过时>精神饱满的;神采奕奕的 13.not to care a feather<过时>毫不关心;毫不在乎 14.not to take a feather out of sbornot to knock a feather out of sb<爱尔兰>未对某人造成困扰(或伤害) It didn't take a feather out of him.这对他没有造成丝毫伤害。 See alsofeathers ruffle¹ feather² 🄰 vt. 1.(fit with feathers)给…插上(或覆盖、提供)羽毛 2.(touch lightly)轻触;轻碰 The puck came to Primeau, who just feathered it into the net.冰球来到普里莫跟前, 他轻轻一带就把它送入网了。 3.【体】+ oar(划船中两次划桨动作之间)将(桨)平掠回 4.(in canoeing)将(桨)置于顺桨位置 5.【航空】+ propeller使顺桨(指使螺旋桨叶的弦线与气流方向一致) 6.【木工】(in carpentry)使(两块木板)企口接合 🄱 vi. 1.(grow feathers)(鸟)长出羽毛 2.(move, grow like feathers)羽毛般飘动;羽毛般生长 3.to feather your nest损人利己;中饱私囊 The Scottish Executive has been caught feathering the nest of private prison operators at the taxpayers' expense.这位苏格兰行政长官被发现动用纳税人的钱为私人监狱经营者牟利。 feather³+ pillow羽毛制成的 |
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