

单词 falter
释义 falter¹ /ˈfɔːltə/
🄰 vi.
1.(when walking)steps +蹒跚;不稳;跌跌撞撞;踉跄

His steps faltered.他步履蹒跚。

2.engine, machine +运转不稳定;转动不平稳

The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down.汽车片刻间便转弯不见了踪影, 但发动机平稳运行, 速度也丝毫未减。

3.(hesitate)(说话)迟疑, 支吾, 结巴

If the child faltered or made an error, the cane would be brought down sharply on the child's hand.如果小孩说话结巴或讲错话, 藤条便会马上打在其手上。

Her voice faltered and she had to stop a moment to control it.她声音颤抖, 不得不停一会儿镇定下来。


From that moment onwards he never faltered in his resolve.从那一刻起, 他的决心便从未动摇过。

I have not faltered in my quest for a new future.我对新的未来的追求从未动摇过。


The world economy faltered and stock markets tumbled.世界经济衰退, 股票市场暴跌。

when the demand for commodities began to falter in 1974在1974年商品需求量开始下降的时候

🄱 vt.

'Who's the girl?' Schneider faltered.“那女孩是谁?”施奈德犹豫地问。

falter² /ˈfɔːltə/ n.
(说话)支吾, 结巴, 迟疑;(行动)犹豫不决, 畏缩, 动摇

'Be calm,' said Meggie strongly, not a falter in her voice.“保持镇静。”梅吉坚定地说, 话音中不带丝毫犹豫。

But a falter would leave them among the bottom 10 of the 16 teams.稍有犹豫, 他们就会掉到16支队的后10名。





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