

单词 fall
释义 fall¹ /fɔːl/ n.
1.(trip, accident)摔倒;跌倒
to have a fall跌倒

She had a nasty fall.她摔得很惨。

2.(distance fallen)掉落的距离;落差
a hundred-foot fall100英尺的落差
3.(decrease)(价格、利润、生产力等的)下降, 下跌, 降低
a fall of 10%10%的下跌
a fall in sth…的下跌

a fall in value贬值

4.(collapse)+of government, regime垮台;衰落;+of leader倒台;失势

a debate which led to the Government's fall导致政府垮台的一场争论

the fall of Rome罗马的衰落


in the fall of 2003在2003年秋天

6.(from sky)落下的东西;降落物
a fall of snow一场降雪
7.(decline)(地位、重要性的)下降, 降低

Her rise has mirrored his fall.她的崛起反衬了他的败落。

8.(downward slope)向下倾斜;下坡
a long fall of cliff一道长长的悬崖斜坡

She owned two falls of hair.她有两个长假发。

10.【缝】(hanging material)下垂物;向下飘拂的服装;(帽子上的)罩纱
11.【海】+of tackle通索
12.【海】(line of davit)辘绳;吊索;滑车索
13.【摔】(scoring move)使对方双肩触地的得分动作;双肩着地
15.sb's fall from graceorsb's fall from favour某人不再受人尊敬(或喜爱)

He is to get a £34,000 pension to cushion his fall from grace.他会拿到34,000英镑的退休金, 以减轻他失势的打击。

16.to take the fall<尤美,非正式>受责备;受罚;承担过错

I took the fall for you and you were going to pay me.我替你受罚, 你要酬谢我。

fall² /fɔːl/ comp.

the fall semester秋季学期

fall³ /fɔːl/(falls,falling,fell,fallen)
🄰 vi.
1.(to a lower position)person +坠落;掉下;落下

He stumbled forward and the case fell to the ground.他向前趔趄几步, 箱子摔到了地上。

She had fallen out of bed.她从床上掉下来了。

2.(from a vertical position)person +摔倒;跌倒;structure +倒塌;坍塌

We watched buildings fall on top of people.我们眼睁睁看着大楼坍塌, 砸在人们头顶。

He tripped and fell.他绊了一下摔倒了。

3.(onto a bed, sofa)(常因疲乏而)一头倒下, 一下躺倒

In the morning I got as far as the sofa and fell onto it.早晨, 我才走到沙发那儿, 就一头倒在上面了。

to fall into bed一头倒在床上
4.(from the sky)snow, rain +落下;下落;降落

An inch of rain fell within 15 minutes.15 分钟内降雨量达到一英寸。

Bombs fell on the town.炸弹落在镇上。

5.(drop, decrease)(数量、质量等)减少, 降低, 下降

Prices are falling.价格正在下跌。

Her weight fell to under seven stones.她的体重减到了7 英石以下。

to fall by sth降低了…

Output will fall by 6%.产量将减少6%。

6.(lose power)government, regime +垮台;倒台

The centre-right government fell in June.6月份这个右倾政府垮台了。

to fall from power失势;下台
7.【军】city, country +陷落;失守
to fall to sb落入…手中

French Canada fell to the British in 1763.1763年法属加拿大落入英国之手。

to fall asleep睡着
payment, bill +到期
to fall ill生病
to fall pregnant怀孕
to fall in love坠入爱河
to fall in love with sb/sth爱上某人/某物

I fell in love with him because of his kind nature.他天性善良, 我爱上了他。

9.to fall on sth
(occur)date, event +出现;发生

May 4 falls on a Tuesday this year.今年的5月4日是星期二。

10.stress, accent +落(在)
to fall on sth落在…上

The accent falls on the last syllable.重音落在最后一个音节上。

11.(slope down)(向下)倾斜
12.<文>(extend downwards)hair, garment +下垂;垂落

Her hair fell to her waist.她的头发垂在腰际。


Fashions come and go, reputations rise and fall.潮流来来去去, 名声起起伏伏。

14.light, shadow +射(向);投(在)

The light falls over her fair hair.光照在她的金发上。

A shadow fell across my book.一道影子落在我的书上。

15.(descend)darkness, night +降临;来临;silence +出现;开始

As dusk fell, we began to identify the stars.暮色降临, 我们开始辨认星星。

A silence fell on the whole group.整个小组变得鸦雀无声。

16.(become lower)sound, voice +减弱;减退;降低

His voice fell to a whisper.他的声音变成了低声细语。

17.【军】<文>soldier +受重伤;阵亡

They fell in battle.他们战死了。

19.sb's face falls某人的脸色变得阴沉

Her face fell at the answer, but she shrugged it off philosophically.这一回答先让她脸色一沉, 但她接下来便不再理会, 泰然如初了。

20.<文>(be uttered)漏出;说出

A curse fell from her lips.一句脏话从她的嘴里蹦了出来。

21.【板】wicket +失陷, 被投中(指击球员出局)
🄱 vt.
1.<澳,新西兰>(cut down)砍伐;砍(树)
2.to fall flat
(not have desired effect)失败;未达到预期效果

Liz meant it as a joke but it fell flat.利兹本想当个笑话讲, 但没讲好。

3.to fall flat on your face直挺挺地面朝下摔倒;摔了个狗吃屎
4.to fall foul of sb/sth
(get into trouble with)与…发生冲突

During the war he made a film which fell foul of Mussolini's censors.战争期间, 他拍了一部电影, 但未通过墨索里尼政府的审查。

5.to fall open突然打开

The basket that she was carrying fell open.她挎着的篮子突然开了。

6.to fall over yourself to do sth<非正式>煞费苦心地做某事;不遗余力地做某事

Within days of his death those same people were falling over themselves to denounce him.他尸骨未寒, 还是那群人又大肆谴责起他来。

7.to fall short
(be insufficient)不足;缺乏

It's better for them to save, because their income may fall short in the latter part of the year.他们最好存钱, 因为下半年他们的收入可能不够花。

Calorie intake must fall short of energy output.卡路里摄取必须低于能量的消耗。

(fail to meet standard)达不到(标准);不符合(要求)

You have had more opportunities than most, and yet you, too, fall short.你比大多数人都更有机会, 然而, 你也不合要求。

8.to fall to piecesorto fall to bits<英>碎裂;破碎

At that point the radio handset fell to pieces.就在那一刻, 无线电遥控器摔得粉碎。

Phrasal Verbsfall about,fall among,fall apart,fall away,fall back,fall back into,fall back on,fall behind,fall down,fall for,fall in,fall into,fall in with,fall off,fall on,fall out,fall over,fall through,fall to,fall under,fall upon




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