

单词 extra
释义 extra¹ /ˈekstrə/ adj.

If you're cold put an extra pullover on.如果你觉得冷, 就再加一件套头毛衣。

an extra blanket一条备用的毛毯

to be extra另外收费;另付;额外加钱

For foreign orders postage is extra.国外订单邮资另计。

Breakfast is extra.早餐费另付。

extra² /ˈekstrə/ adv.
1.(in addition)额外地;另外

Send £4 extra for postage and packing.请多汇4镑包装邮寄费。

You may be charged 10% extra for this service.这项服务会加收10%的费用。

They should get up to £90,500 extra a year to spend on staff.他们每年用在员工身上的额外花费应该在90,500英镑。


We worked extra hard.我们格外努力地工作。

You must be extra careful.你一定要格外小心。

extra large sizes超大号

extra³ /ˈekstrə/ pron.

Many of the additional features now cost extra.现在许多的附加功能都要另外花钱。

to pay extra另外付钱
extra⁴ /ˈekstrə/ n.
1.(additional person)额外的人手
(additional thing)额外的事物

I travel with a few extras: a peppermill, a steamer basket, a plastic spatula, and a six-pint casserole.我旅行时还多带了几件东西:一个手碾胡椒磨, 一个蒸笼, 一把塑料刮勺和一口六品脱砂锅。

Optional extras include cooking tuition at a top restaurant.可选的额外项目包括在一家顶级餐厅学习烹饪。


Even the extras were dressed like kings and queens.就连群众演员也穿戴得如同国王和王后。

4.【板】(run)(非击球所得的)附加分, 送分
5.(something costing extra)另外收费的项目;额外收费的事物

The boat trip is an optional extra.坐小船游玩是可选的付费项目。

6.<美>(superior quality item)上品;特级品
See alsoextras




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