

单词 exaggerated
释义 exaggerated /ɪɡˈzædʒəˌreɪtɪd/ adj.
1.(overstated)+ claim, report, account夸大其词的;夸口的

They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve.对于这些课程能够有何种成效的夸张宣传, 他们应该持怀疑态度。

Exaggerated reports of the extent of rioting may themselves provoke further disturbances.关于暴乱程度的言过其实的报道本身可能就会引发进一步的骚乱。

exaggerated accounts of the dangers of urban and rural crime waves关于城乡犯罪浪潮危害性的夸张报道

2.(excessive)+ expectation, fear, view夸大的;过高的

He warned against exaggerated expectations for growth.他提醒人们不要对增长有过高的预期。

our exaggerated fears about these drugs我们对这些药品的过度恐惧

Western fears, he insists, are greatly exaggerated.他坚称西方国家的恐惧被过分夸大了。

an exaggerated sense of your own importance自视甚高

It may give these people an exaggerated sense of their own importance.这可能会让这些人自我感觉过于良好。

3.(affected)+ gesture, politeness夸张的;做作的

his exaggerated gestures and drawling speech他那夸张做作的手势和有气无力的演讲

'Thank you very much,' I said with exaggerated politeness.“太谢谢你了。”我故作客气地说道。

Michael shook his hand with exaggerated heartiness.迈克尔过于热情地跟他握手。

4.【病理】(increased)+ rate, response过高的;过度的

for those who have an exaggerated heart-rate response对于那些心率反应过快的人来说

an exaggerated blood-pressure response to mental stress精神紧张引起的血压过高

exaggerated heart or vascular ageing in older persons老年人中心脏或血管的过度老化


animals that have special features such as an exaggerated organ or attribute具有畸大器官或夸张属性之类特殊特征的动物





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