

单词 every which way
33.easy way out(回避困难或尴尬处境的)最容易的办法, 最省事的做法

As soon as things got difficult he took the easy way out.事情刚变得有点儿棘手, 他就急忙脱身。

34.either way
(in both cases)(两种情况下)不管怎样, 无论发生哪一种情况

He already knew that, either way, he was going to die.他已经知道了, 无论哪种情况, 他都会死。

(indicating equally possible outcomes)(同样有可能发生的)两种情况之一

The judge could have decided either way.两种都是法官可能作出的判决。

35.every which way<尤美,非正式>(in all directions)上下左右;四面八方;杂乱无章地

cars parked every which way横七竖八停放的小汽车

(in many different ways)以各种方式;采用各种方式

He re-ran the experiment every which way he could.他用所能进行的方式重新做了实验。

36.to find your way
(not get lost)找到路;设法到达

They found their way to us without a map.他们在没有地图的情况下找到了我们这里。

(in a situation)找(到)出路;找到解决办法

I'm still finding my way around this new software.我仍在摸索这套新软件的使用方法。

37.to get in the way or to get in sb's way

'We wouldn't get in the way,' Suzanne promised. 'We'd just stand quietly in a corner.'“我们不会碍事的, ”苏珊娜保证道, “我们就悄悄站在角落里。”

(prevent plans or actions)阻止;妨碍

He will kill anyone who gets in his way.谁妨碍到他, 他就灭了谁。

See way




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