

单词 enter
释义 enter /ˈentə/
🄰 vt.
1.(go into)+ room, building, country进入

He entered the room and stood near the door.他走进屋里, 站在门边。

Suspected terrorists had been caught trying to enter the country using British passports.恐怖嫌犯在试图用英国护照进入该国时被捕。

2.(penetrate physically)+ bodily organ穿入;戳入

a heart attack as a result of the catheter's entering the heart and vessels因导管穿入心脏和血管而引起的心脏病发作

3.+ club, army加入;参加;+ university进入

I could not enter the university without Latin.我要不会拉丁文就上不了这所大学。

A million young people enter the labour market each year.每年有100万年轻人进入劳动力市场。

to enter Parliament成为英国议会议员
4.+ profession开始从事

He entered the BBC as a general trainee.他进入英国广播公司成为一名普通实习生。

to enter a convent成为修女;当修女
to enter a monastery成为修道士(或僧侣)
5.(go in for)报名参加(比赛、竞赛或考试)

I run so well I'm planning to enter some races.我跑步很不错, 正在考虑参加一些比赛。

to enter a competition报名参加比赛
6.+ competitor使参加(比赛);为…报名参加(比赛)

His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship.他妻子玛丽偷偷地为他报名参加锦标赛。

some of the 150 projects entered for the awards150个参与评奖项目中的一部分

7.【会计】(在日记账、账本、登记簿等中)登记, 记录(交易等)
8.(record)(在日志、日记、清单等中)写下, 记下

Dora entered the passage in her notebook.多拉把那一段写在她的笔记本上。

Each week she meticulously entered in her notebooks all sums received.每周她都非常仔细地在笔记本上记下所有收到的款项。

9.【计】+ data, password录入

A lot less time is now spent entering the data.现在输入数据花费的时间少多了。

Postcodes will be entered into the statisticians' computers.邮编将被录入统计员的计算机。

10.+ phase, period of time开始进入

The war is now entering its second month.现在战争已经进入了第二个月。

China enters a new five-year-plan period next year.中国明年开始进入新一个五年计划期。

11.【律】+ evidence递呈;+ plea提出

He is seeking to enter her statements into evidence.他正努力将她的陈述作为证据在法庭上提出。

She entered a plea of not guilty.她否认有罪。

12.【律】(occupy)进入, 进占(土地)
🄱 vi.
1.(into room, building)进入;进去;进来

As soon as I entered, they stopped.我一进去, 他们就停了下来。

'please knock before entering'“进来之前请先敲门”

enter sb (stage direction)某人上场(或登台)
2.(in competition, race, etc)报名参加

To enter, simply complete the coupon on page 150.要想参加, 只需填写第150页上的参赛表格。

3.to enter sb's mind突然出现在某人的头脑中;掠过某人的脑海

Whenever thoughts of his baby daughter enter his mind, a smile appears on Jeremy's face.无论何时想起他的小女儿, 杰里米的脸上都会露出笑容。

4.never to enter your mindornever to enter your head从来没有想过

It never enters his mind that anyone is better than him.他从没想过会有谁比他更好。

Though she enjoyed flirting with Matt, it had not entered her head to have an affair with him.虽然她喜欢和马特打情骂俏, 但从未想过要和他相好。

Phrasal Verbsenter for,enter into,enter on,enter up,enter upon




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