

ˌTurkish ˈbath ˌTurkish ˈcoffee ˌtut-ˈtut ˌtut-ˈtut ˌTV ˈdinner
ˌtwenty-twenty ˈvision ˌtwenty-ˈfirst ˌtwin ˈbeds ˌTwin ˈCities, the ˌtwin ˈtown
ˌtwo-way ˈmirror ˌtwo-way ˈstreet ˌtwo-ˈtwo ˌtwo-ˈway ˌTyphoid ˈMary
ˌugly ˈduckling ˌUK ˈgarage ˌUlster Deˈfence Associˌation, the ˌUlster Volunˈteer ˌForce, the ˌum and ˈah
ˌun-Aˈmerican ˌUnderground ˈRailroad, the ˌunder-the-ˈcounter ˌunearned ˈincome ˌUnion ˈJack
ˌUnited ˈKingdom, the ˌunit ˈtrust ˌuniversal ˈsuffrage ˌunknown ˈquantity ˌUN Seˈcurity ˌCouncil, the
ˌup-and-ˈcoming ˌupper ˈcase ˌupper ˈclass, the ˌupper ˈcrust, the ˌupper ˈhouse
ˌupright piˈano ˌupside ˈdown ˌup-to-the-ˈminute ˌup-to-ˈdate ˌup ˈfront
ˌup-ˈtempo ˌurban reˈnewal ˌurban ˈmyth ˌurban ˈsprawl ˌurban ˈwarrior
ˌuser-ˈfriendly ˌuser ˈinterface ˌUS ˈMasters ˌTournament, the ˌUS ˈOpen, the ˌvacant posˈsession
ˌvacant ˈlot ˌvalet ˈparking ˌvalue ˈadded ˌtax ˌvariant CJˈD ˌverbal ˈnoun
ˌvertical inteˈgration ˌvice ˈadmiral ˌvice ˈchancellor ˌvice-ˈpresident ˌvicious ˈcircle
ˌvideo casˈsette ˌvideo casˈsette reˌcorder ˌvideo ˈnasty ˌvillage ˈgreen ˌvillage ˈidiot
ˌVillage ˈVoice, the ˌviral ˈload ˌvirgin ˈbirth, the ˌVirgin ˈQueen, the ˌvirtual reˈality
ˌvirtual ˈmemory ˌvirtuous ˈcircle ˌvisiting proˈfessor ˌvisual disˈplay ˌunit ˌvisual ˈaid
ˌvisual ˈarts ˌvital staˈtistics ˌvital ˈsigns ˌvote of ˈcensure ˌvote of ˈconfidence
ˌvote of ˈthanks ˌvote of ˌno ˈconfidence ˌwafer-ˈthin ˌwaist-ˈdeep ˌwaist-ˈhigh
ˌWalker ˈCup, the ˌwalking encycloˈpedia ˌwalking ˈwounded ˌWall Street ˈCrash, the ˌwall-to-ˈwall
ˌWar and ˈPeace ˌwarm ˈfront ˌwar of ˈwords ˌwasher-ˈdryer ˌwashing-ˈup
ˌwashing-ˈup ˌliquid ˌwaste ˈpaper ˌwater-ˈsoluble ˌway of ˈlife ˌWays and ˈMeans Comˌmittee
ˌway ˈout ˌway ˈout ˌway-ˈout ˌweak-ˈminded ˌweeping ˈwillow
ˌwelfare ˈstate ˌwell-apˈpointed ˌwell-conˈnected ˌwell-esˈtablished ˌwell-inˈformed
ˌwell-reˈceived ˌwell-to-ˈdo ˌwell-turned-ˈout ˌwell-ˈbalanced ˌwell-ˈbeing
ˌwell-ˈdone ˌwell-ˈdressed ˌwell-ˈfavoured ˌwell-ˈgroomed ˌwell-ˈgrounded
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