

单词 easily
easily ★★★
1 without difficulty or effort 容易地;轻松地

I could easily manage without a car. 没有车我也可以轻松应付过去的。

To her surprise the key turned easily in the lock. 让她吃惊的是,这把钥匙在锁孔里可以很轻松地转动。

You could go there and back in a day easily. 你可以很轻松地当天来回。

I don’ t think she’ s easily impressed. 我认为她没有那么容易被打动。

2 used for saying that something is likely to happen or be true 很可能;极有可能

The situation could easily get worse. 情形很可能会更糟糕。

3 definitely 绝对地;一定地;无疑地

This is easily his best album in years. 这绝对是他多年来最好的专辑。

4 in a confident and relaxed way 轻松自如地

Sam and Luke had met before and chatted easily. 萨姆和卢克以前就见过,两人轻松地闲谈起来。

He moved easily between traditional and modern jazz. 他在传统与现代爵士乐之间自如地变换。

5 more quickly or more often than is usual or normal 更快;更经常

Some babies cry more easily than others. 有些婴儿比其他的更爱哭。

-   all too easily
used for saying that something often happens, especially something bad

Feelings of resentment can all too easily turn to anger. 怨恨实在太容易转化成愤怒了。





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