

单词 ease
ease 2 ★★
1  T  to make a problem , bad situation , or pain less severe 使(问题、糟糕局面等)缓和;缓解

Sometimes a mild painkiller is enough to ease the pain. 有时候一点轻度的止痛药就足以缓解疼痛。

Colleagues are trying to ease the pressure she is under at work. 同事们正在试图减轻她的工作压力。

1a  I  to become less severe 缓和;好转

In the following two weeks tensions eased somewhat. 接下来的两周里,紧张局势有些缓和了。

2  I/T  to move somewhere slowly and carefully (使)小心缓慢地移动

+into/out of/up etc She eased into the seat behind the desk. 她小心翼翼地坐到了课桌后面的座位上。

ease yourself Joseph eased himself off the bed. 约瑟夫慢悠悠地起了床。

ease your way I eased my way through the crowd. 我小心翼翼地穿过人群。

2a  T  to move something somewhere slowly and carefully 小心翼翼地挪动(某物)

+out of/away from Monica slowly eased the cork out of the champagne bottle. 莫尼卡小心翼翼地把香槟酒的瓶塞拔了出来。

3  I/T  to become more relaxed or less tight , or to make something do this (使)放松

Slowly his grip on her shoulder eased. 他抓着她肩头的手慢慢地松开了。

I waited until the child’ s breathing eased. 我一直等到孩子的呼吸平静了下来。

4  T  to make a rule or punishment less severe 放宽(规定);减轻(惩罚)

Sanctions against the country should be eased. 对该国的制裁应该减轻。

The finance ministry has eased restrictions on the movement of capital. 财政部已经放宽了对资金流动的限制。

5  T  to make a process easier 使(过程)更容易

These ideas helped to ease our transition to democracy. 这些思想使我们的民主化进程更加容易。

6  I  if bad weather such as wind or rain eases, it becomes less strong (风、雨等)减弱
-   ease your conscience/mind
to make you feel less guiltyworried
ˌease ˈoff
1 ease off if something unpleasant or annoying eases off , it becomes weaker (烦恼的事)缓和,减轻,减弱

If the rain eases off overnight, we’ ll leave in the morning. 如果夜里雨能变小的话,我们就早上离开。

The pain should ease off after a couple of hours. 疼痛会在几个小时后减轻。

2 to go more slowly or try less hard 慢些走;放松些;悠着点

Ease off a bit as you go round the bend. 转弯时开慢点。

ˌease ˈout
to make someone leave a job or position without saying anything publicly 把(某人)悄悄地打发走;悄悄地将(某人)解职

Senior party sources say Liddell will be eased out during the next few weeks. 据党内高级人士称,利德尔会在接下来的几周内被悄然解职。

ˌease ˈup
1 ease off 1

They waited nearly four hours for the storm to ease up. 他们等了近4个小时暴风雨才减弱。

2 to become less severe towards someone 对(某人)放松

+on Government forces appear to be easing up on the rebels. 政府军现在似乎对叛军放松了。





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