

单词 early
early 1 ★★★
1 usually before noun near the beginning of a period of time 早期的;初期的;早的

In the early 1980s, several thousand jobs were lost. 在20世纪80年代初期失去了几千个工作岗位。

The temperature drops to below freezing in the early evening. 晚上早些时候气温降到了零下。

The plants flower in early spring. 这些植物在早春开花。

1a used about periods in someone’ s life (某人)早年的

From an early age, Chaplin believed in his talents. 从早年起,卓别林就相信自己的才华。

memories of my early childhood 我童年早期的记忆

Julia is in her early thirties. 朱莉娅30刚出头。

1b used about the first part of an activity , process , or event (活动、进程、事件)初期(阶段)的

The project is still in its very early stages. 该项目仍处于它的初期阶段。

It is too early to predict whether the unemployment rate has peaked. 要预测失业率是否已经达到最高点还为时尚早。

in the early days (=soon after something began) We didn’ t think much about the environment in those early days. 刚开始的时候

1c used about periods of history (某历史阶段的)早期的

in the early Middle Ages 在中世纪早期

2 before the time that something usually happens (比往常)提前的

Spring was unusually early that year. 那年春季来得异乎寻常地早。

Let’ s have an early lunch and then go to the cinema. 我们早一点吃午饭,然后去看电影。

Is it too early to phone them? 现在打电话给他们太早了吗?

2a before the time that something is expected or arranged to happen (比预计或安排的时间)提前的

My train was ten minutes early. 我的列车提早了10分钟。

+for You’ re a little early for the party. 参加聚会你来得有点早。

2b at a time that is sooner than people expect 早在…

We may announce the winners as early as tomorrow. 我们也许明天就可以公布获胜者。

3 used about the first people or things of a particular type (某一类人或物中的)早期的,最初的

The early settlers used to heat their cabins with coal. 早期的殖民者常用煤来在房中取暖。

early editions of the novel 该小说的最初版本

4 early crops or flowers are ready to be picked before others of the same type 早熟的

early peaches/roses 早熟的桃子/早开花的玫瑰

-   the early hours
the period of time between midnight and the very early morning

The attack happened in the early hours of Sunday morning. 攻击是在星期天的凌晨发生的。

-   an early night
a night when you go to bed earlier than you normally do

I think I’ ll get an early night. 我想我要提早睡了。

-   an early start
an occasion when you start something early in the morning
-   it’ s early days mainly spoken
used for saying that it is too soon to know whether someone or something will be successful
See also




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