

单词 doubt
doubt 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
a feeling of not being certain about something 怀疑;疑惑

+about/as to There seems to be some doubt as to whether this is legal. 人们有点怀疑这是否合法。

have no/little doubt that I have no doubt that he will succeed. 他会获得成功,我对此确信无疑。

there is little/no doubt that There’ s little doubt that the measures will be extremely unpopular. 毫无疑问,这些措施会很不得人心。

cast doubt on sth (=make you uncertain about it) New evidence casts doubt on his murder conviction. 使对某事产生疑虑

raise doubts (=make you have doubts) The accident raised doubts about the safety of the aircraft. 使人怀疑

nagging/lingering doubts Nagging doubts about her story do remain. 人们对她的叙述仍存有无法消除的疑虑。

grave/serious doubts I have serious doubts about whether this system will work. 我对这套体制能否行得通很是怀疑。

-   be in doubt
1 if you are in doubt about something , you do not know what to do about it 犹豫不决;拿不准

He is still in some doubt about whether to go or not. 他仍然拿不定主意是去还是不去。

2 if something is in doubt , it is not certain whether it will succeed or continue to exist 不确定的

The future of the company is still in doubt. 这家公司仍然前途未卜。

-   beyond (any) doubt
1 if something is beyond doubt , it is completely certain 毫无疑问的

What is beyond doubt is that he is utterly incompetent. 毫无疑问的是,他完全不称职。

2 in a way that is completely certain 无疑地;确实地

His ability to succeed has been established beyond any doubt. 毫无疑问,他已具备了获得成功的能力。

3 to make the result of something certain 使某事确实无疑
-   beyond (a) reasonable doubt legal
to a degree that the law considers to be satisfactory for making a decision

The prosecution cannot prove beyond all reasonable doubt that she intended to kill him. 控方没有确凿的证据证明她想杀他。

-   have your doubts (about)
to have reasons why you do not feel certain about someone or something
-   if/when in doubt
if you are not certainused when giving advice or instructions

If in doubt, get someone to help you. 如有疑问,找个人帮你。

-   no doubt
1 used for emphasizing that something seems certain or very likely 无疑地;很可能

No doubt she’ ll tell me everything when she’ s ready. 她准备好的时候肯定会将一切告诉我的。

2 used for showing that you accept something is probably true , but this does not change your opinion 确实地

No doubt she’ s very nice, but I just don’ t like her. 她确实很好,但我就是不喜欢她。

3 used for emphasizing that something is definitely true 毫无疑问

No doubt about it - we’ ve got problems. 毫无疑问,我们遇到了问题。

-   open to doubt
not definite , and perhaps not even likely
-   without (a) doubt
very definitelyused for emphasis

She is without a doubt one of our most talented students. 她无疑是我们最有才能的一个学生。

See also
benefit 1




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