

单词 division
division ★★★
1  C/U  the process of separating people or things into smaller groups or parts 分;分开;分裂

+of Civil war eventually led to a permanent division of the country. 内战最终导致这个国家永久分裂。

division of sth into sth Many parents opposed the division of the classes into different sets. 许多家长反对把班级分成不同的组。

1a the process of separating something into smaller parts and sharing it among two or more people 分享;分配

+of the division of the land after the previous owner died 前业主去世后的土地分配

division of sth between/among sb a fair division of responsibilities among the members of the committee 委员会成员责任的公平分配

2  C  one of the parts into which a large organization is divided 部门

the company’ s electronics division 公司的电子部

2a a large section in a military force that consists of several smaller units (部队的)师

armoured divisions 装甲师

2b one of the groups of football teams in a league (足球联赛中的)级

Premier/First/Second etc Division They were promoted to the First Division last year. 他们去年晋升为甲级球队。

3  C/U  a calculation in mathematics of how many times a number is contained in a larger number 除法
4  C/U  a disagreement between people , especially between people who belong to the same group 分歧;分裂

The argument revealed deep divisions in the ranks of the Party. 这一争论表明该党各阶层的分歧很大。

5  C  a difference in the way that people within the same community or country live , how much money they have , how educated they are etc 差别;差距

the growing division between rich and poor 越来越大的贫富差距

6  C  a system in which members of the British Parliament go into one of two separate places in order to vote for or against a particular issue (英国议会的)分组表决
7  C/U  the process by which the cells in plants and animals divide to form new cells 细胞分裂




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