

单词 allow
allow ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to give someone permission to do or have something 允许;准许;容许

I’ m sorry, sir, but smoking is not allowed. 对不起,先生,不许抽烟。

allow sb to do sth She only allows the children to watch television at weekends. 她只允许孩子们周末看电视。

I’ m not allowed to drive my dad’ s car. 我被禁止开我爸爸的汽车。

allow sb sth Some prisoners are allowed visitors. 一些囚犯被准许探望。

allow yourself sth I’ m on a diet but I allow myself an occasional piece of cake. 我在节食,但偶尔也让自己吃块蛋糕。

allow sb in/back/through etc If you leave the club, you will not be allowed back in. 你如果离开俱乐部,就不能再次加入。

2 to give someone or something the time or opportunity to do something 给予(某人或某物)(时间或机会)

allow sth to do sth Allow the cake to cool for five minutes before taking it out of the tin. 让蛋糕凉5分钟再把它从烤盘里拿出来。

allow sb to do sth Unfortunately, they didn’ t allow me to explain the thinking behind my decision. 不幸的是,他们不容我解释我的决定背后的想法。

2a if something such as an object or situation allows you to do something , it makes it possible for you to do it 使…成为可能

allow sb to do sth Video allows you to record programmes and watch them later. 录像能让你录下节目以后再看。

3 to make certain that you have enough of something such as time , food , or money for a particular purpose (为某目的)留出,准备(足够的时间、食物或金钱等)

Please allow 28 days for delivery. 请留出28天的送货时间。

How much rice do you allow for each person? 每人允许吃多少米饭?

4 legal   to decide that a piece of information is acceptable in a court of law (证据)被认可,被接受

This evidence will not be allowed in court. 这项证据在法庭上不会被接受。

5 +that formal   to admit or accept that something is true 承认

She allowed that the matter was serious. 她承认事情很严重。

alˈlow ˌfor
allow for sth: to consider something when making a plan or calculation 考虑到;顾及;为…留出余地

The cost of the new road, allowing for inflation, is around £17 million. 把通货膨胀考虑在内,这条新路的费用大约是1700万英镑。

The survey does not allow for the fact that some students are attending part-time. 调查没有考虑到一些学生并非是全日制的情况。

alˈlow ˌof
allow of sth: to show that something is possible 容许;容许有…的可能

The evidence allows of no other interpretation. 这项证据只能有一种解释。





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